569 30 11

You know nothing and everything about me.
And I know nothing and everything about you.
And it excites yet scares me at the same time.
I don't know you.
Yet I find comfort in your presence alone
-log #137

"How was you da- holy shit you're crying! Are you okay?"

I look up to face you as you speak mid-sentence. And when our eyes meet, yours go wide as you see my messed up face, runny nose and puffy eyes, making you cuss and panic for some reason.

I sigh before giving you a tired smile.

"Yeah... my boyfriend and I just had a fight" I say with a bitter chuckle.

You shoot me a sympathetic look. I just show you another weak smile before resting my head on the table again.

I hear your footsteps and some shuffling and soon, the sound of the cash register opening.

Minutes later and you tap my head with a pair of chopsticks and I look up to see you seated beside me with two disposable bowls filled with cup noodles in front of us both.

I stare you then the chopsticks in your hand before grabbing it and eating in silence.

"Break up with him"

Your deep voice resonates throughout the little convenience store, breaking the silence of the room that was only filled with the sounds of the old AC and us slurping noodles down.

I stop eating, put my chopsticks down and stare at you with wide eyes.

You glance at me before taking another bite. When you've noticed the fact that I'm still staring, you sigh and place your chopsticks down as well before turning to face me.

"You heard me. Break up with him and date me"

Your last line was laced with playfulness and sarcasm, making me notice how you wanted to lighten the mood.

And it was working.
I couldn't hold back the little smile that started to form on my lips before chuckling and hitting your arm as I said:

"That's not how it works jackass"

"Ouch! You didn't have to hit me" You say with a pout.

We both playfully glare at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Yah! You really should break up with your sad excuse of a boyfriend and just date the man in front of you! He'll obviously treat you better!"

We suddenly hear a voice say as our laughter dies down. We look around to see Minhyun leaning on the counter by the cash register.

We both stare at him before bursting into laughter.

"Me? Date him? But I don't even know his name!" I joke in between laughs.

But for some reason,
I don't find my own joke funny.
For some reason, the genuine laughter becomes forced.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
Because for some reason, we both know that we were both hurting from that single statement.

When both know what the other person felt when we locked eyes in between the slowly fading laughter that drowned out.

For some reason, when we locked eyes, I saw the universe. 

Even if it was just for a moment.

So when we broke eye contact:
For some reason, everything felt twice as painful as it did.

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