Living in the life of Perrie

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Perrie Edwards stood in front of the room with a fierce look of determination in her eyes. She thumped her head and looked around the room. Perrie felt like something was missing in her new room.

Perrie had just moved to South Shields from York and she was excited. A new city, new school...She was grateful for this move. At her last school, she hardly had any friends and no one had even bothered trying to talk to her.

Not this time. This time, things were gonna be different. She was gonna be known as Perrie Edwards.

"Aha!" Perrie exclaimed.

Suddenly, she figured out what was wrong with her room.

Perrie grabbed some eyeliner from her makeup box and wrote Perrie Edwards Room on her door. She smiled, satisfied with her work and closed the door back. Now that was she gonna live her permanently, she might as well mark her territory. No. Not in that way.

Perrie opened her window. She had just finished unpacking and now she needed some fresh air. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone walking down the sidewalk. It was a boy about her age. A very handsome boy about her age. He had spiked black hair and wore a white shirt and jeans. He had headphones in his ears and appeared to be dancing while walking.


The boy looked up and saw Perrie staring at him. He waved and she squealed as she fell.

"Real smooth, Pezz," Jonnie, her older brother said as he stood in front of her door.

"Shut up. Now what do you want, bubble butt?" Perrie asked.

"Mum wants us all downstairs. By the way," Jonnie pointed at the door, "Real classic. I might have to borrow your lipstick to write my name on the door."

Perrie jokingly pushed Jonnie out of the way and followed him down the steps. Jonnie and Perrie looked alike. Both had platinum blonde hair and light green eyes.

By the time Perrie had arrived down the steps, she was still rubbing her bum. She had fell down hard when the boy had scared her. He probably thought she was a weirdo. Wouldn't blame him.

Perrie hugged her mum and dad where they were sitting in the sofa.

"What's the news?" Perrie asked, sitting next to Jonnie on the couch from her parents.

"Your Father and I are going to have to work full time on our jobs so we might not see you as much.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm not going to let Perrie bring boys home," Jonnie said.

"Me? What about you and all of your girlfriends?" Perrie asked.

"That's not the point. The point is that you have to take care of the house while we're not here," Mum answered.

"Perrie and I will do that. By the way, she wrote her name on the door with eyeliner," Jonnie tattled.

"Jonnie!" Perrie exclaimed.

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