The Da Vinci Code ~1~ Murder

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'Come on, hurry up!' Marie said while looking concerned at the giant and a very old clock that was standing across the room. It said it was five past six, which meant that they were already five minutes late. Now they won't get to the house of the parents of the grandchildren in time. Marie was so busy knitting Sophie's new sweater that she did not pay any attention to the time.
Jacques Saunière, her husband, was still upstairs with Sophie's brother. Why didn't he warn us? Marie thought. Sophie stood beside her, all dressed up and ready to go. The two grandchildren stayed overnight and we were now going to bring them home. After that, they would have dinner with all six of us plus some of our friends.
A minute later, Jacques walked down the stairs with his phone against his ear.
'Yes, you're right, I'll be there in a minute, bye,' he said, looking concerned. Marie walked towards him, in order to prevent Sophie from hearing it.
'What's wrong?' she asked him. It did not sound like he was talking to the grandchildren's parents.
'I'm sorry, the Priory of Sion called, they need to discuss something with us. They couldn't say what is going on on the phone, but it was urgent.' Jacques looked disappointed. Marie was surprised to hear that the Priory of Sion wanted to speak with both of them in such a short notice. It must indeed be very urgent. After a moment of thinking, Marie nodded, agreeing.
'We could bring the children to their parents. They could go to the restaurant without us,' Jacques said. Marie looked worried at the clock. They were already ten minutes late.
'No,' Marie said. 'we should take the kids with us. This way, their parents have some time alone. They have been so busy lately, they deserve it. And they could get in time when they don't have to wait for us.' After she said that, a loud noise interrupted her. Sophie's brother was crying upstairs.
'You're right, I'll call them, you'll get the baby.' And so they did. When Marie got upstairs, she grabed the baby and when she turned around, she was startled by Sophie, who was suddenly standing behind her.
'Aren't we going to mammy and daddy?' she said, looking her grandmother straight in the eyes. Sophie heard her grandfather talking to her parents and got curious.
'No, sweetheart. We're going to visit someone. Someone very important.'

Sophie, her brother and their grandparents were walking on the long private driveway, somewhere in Normandy, north of Paris, while the sun was setting and the surrounding became darker and darker. They were heading towards Jacques Saunière's vacation château where the Priory always planed their secret meetings. The giant building looked old and deserted in the little light that was still coming from the sun. The driveway was filled with parked cars.
When they stepped inside, the familiar smell of old books, that was coming from the many bookshelves, welcomed them. Marie immediately walked towards the east wall, while holding Sophie's hand, and placed her fingers in the hardly visible slot. The wall slid open and they walked down the staircase.
When they walked into the secret grotto, Marie saw a few members of the Priory.
'Good evening,' Jacques said behind Marie. 'What did you wanted to tell us?' One of the Priory members stepped out of the group. He looked at Sophie.
'Why don't you go and sit over there. You could play with the toy you brought,' Marie said to Sophie. Sophie smiled at her, ran to the stairs, sat down and played with her doll.
'We intercepted a message that got our attention. We think it might come from an Opus Dei member.' The man went quiet for a moment.
'They found out that you, descendants of Jesus, live here in Paris. Their coming for you.' Marie froze.

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