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"Goodbye, Mark

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"Goodbye, Mark. I will see you on Monday." James called out and knew right away that Mark couldn't have possibly heard him; not only because of the gradually increasing distance of a few feet which lay between them, but also because of the cold noisy winds that had taken over the atmosphere after the downpour on Wednesday and also the enthusiastic chitter chatter of the college goers that surrounded him and could be this excited for only one thing: the weekend.

This time of their uneventful lives was allotted to making it a little more adventurous by catching up on lost slumber. Getting away from all the troubles and turbulences that life sent their way on a daily basis was the best thing that they could dream of. And actually dreaming while doing that? Too good of a deal to give up.

Everyone was looking forward to sleeping in untill noon or further, curled up in their cozy blankets after a long time because of the recent knocks that the winters had sent in the form of the howling winds.

Everyone except James, that is. But that did not mean that he was not going to enjoy his weekend as much as the next person. He may even enjoy it a bit more than the others.

If you were to be walking down the same street as James, the thing you would most definitely do is stuff your hands in your pockets and mutter a phrase or two about the chilly atmosphere.

What you would most definitely not do is notice him. He was an average looking nineteen year old who was walking with his hoodie pulled up and his backpack hanging low.

But there are always some extraordinary things in an ordinary person's life. For James, the most prominent one was his grandmother.

After both his parents died in a car crash nearly five years ago, she was the only family that he had.

After going through so much pain, there was still a lot of life left in her. James loved her to bits and if given the chance, he would happily give her his remaining years of life in an instant.

Everything he is, he owes it to her.

Finally, James reaches the place he calls home and is just a door away from the woman who makes it home. He opens the door with a smile on his face which makes his deep dimples show and is greeted with the various scents that he has grown up with.

There's some cinnamon, some hyssop, just a tinge of jasmine but no lavender. Lavender is never there.

"Hello, young man." Comes the sweet voice of the lady behind the desk.

"Hello, Mrs Green." He says and extends his hand for a handshake.

"What can I do for you today, child." She says, accepting the handshake.

"Can I get some lavender, please?"

"Ah, lavender! You need it for relaxing? School has been hard on you?"

"I need it for memory."

"Haven't the exams just ended?"

"My grandmother is suffering from amnesia." He says and only the ticking of the old grandfather's clock can be heard for at least two minutes.

"Oh, honey. She'll get better. Don't worry." Mrs Green says with a smile which makes her dimples show, similar to James's.

"I sure hope so."

"What is your name, child? It sure seems like I have seen you somewhere."

"James. I feel the same too."

"James?! My grandson is a James too." She says with a fond smile and a distant look on her face.

"I know." He whispered to himself with a bittersweet flavour on his tongue.


On 15th January 2013, James Green's parents and grandmother were in a car accident. His parents died on the spot.

His grandmother, Lydia Green, was the sole survivor and has been living with amnesia ever since.

Faces all around in all their glory
No one pauses and tries to know their story

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