"Liz, I can't say that and beside it was awhile ago." I mumbled. Liz released my dress and backed away. "Maka, are you crazy? I live on this stuff, I don't care if it was awhile ago; I want to know! I told you when Kid and I did it, so you should too."

"It wasn't awhile ago; we just did it last night." Soul said leaning against the wall. Liz's eyes flashed at me. Not good.

"Excuse me? What did that white head boy say?" I glared at Soul, he only smiled at me. I am so going to Maka Chop him!

"Liz you heard him, now can we please change the subject?" Liz only huffed at me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My dress was a sleeveless red dress. It had a bow that went around my waist and also showed a little cleavage. Soul whistled at me.

"Damn my girl is hot!" I blushed greatly at his words. He wrapped his arms around me, spinning me around to kiss me.

"Soul, not now! I need to find a dress for Maka!"

Soul pulled away from me, "I like this one, so does Maka and you so lets buy the damn thing now and leave."

Liz sighed and nodded her head, "Oh and Maka now we can find matching shoes!"

I growled at her as I went back in the dressing room, followed by Soul's laughter.

"Wow Maka you look so pretty!" Patty yelled at me. I smiled at her, "Thanks Patty, you too." She smiled big then ran to Liz and Kid.

"My little girl is growing up!" Papa cried, I sighed, "Papa I'm eight-teen! You don't need to worry about me, ok?"

"Are you crazy? You're still dating that white head boy! You have to watch out for rich boys you know."

"I believe she has to watch out for players, like you." Soul said coming out of no where. Papa screamed like a little girl out of fright.

"S-Soul where did you come from?"

"My mother's stomach."

I burst out of laughter at his answer, as Papa only glared. I then heard someone laugh.

"Oh Spirit, he got you there, Maka found such a great guy, there also still together!" Mama said with a sweet smile walking up to Soul pinching his cheek.

"No she didn't, he's so rude and... and..... A BOY, they get horny and then cheat!"

"If you're talking about yourself that exactly what you did," Mama spat.

Soul was glaring at Papa, as I held him back before he hurt him, not like I cared but not on this day.

"Come on Soul lets go find our friends," Soul nodded his head. Papa glared at Soul, "Where do you think your going with my baby girl Evans?"

Soul sighed and mumbled sorry to me before punching Papa in the face. Mama squeaked as she watches her ex fall to the ground.

"Soul, why did you do that?" I yelled, "Because the old man still does not like me, I didn't do anything to him! Also what pisses me off the most he said I can't marry you!"

My heart skipped a beat. Did he say Marry? "I'm so sorry about him Soul, don't listen to him. I give you permission to beat him up when you want to, ok?" Soul smile at Mama. "Cool thanks!"

"Hey love Birds!" Black Star yelled as we walked up to him, Soul fist punch him as a greeting. "Hey Black Star, where is your hot chick?"

Black Star ginned at Soul, "She's getting ready...OH Maka, Tsubaki said if I see you to tell you that she wants to meet you in the girl's bathroom."

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