Chapter 3 infected

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"Jack wake up bud" I hear a male voice say. I sit up I look and see a giant man with a shotgun. "holy crap" I say "what...oh this this is only part of what we have to protect us". "do I get one?" I ask sarcastically. "not one of these this is yours". He hands me a 48 lever action rifle "you'll look like a cowboy with this kid" he says with a southern accent. I laugh and say "what are we doing today?" "ask Jen I think we have to get more supplies from town". I nod and he walks out of the room. I like that guy I think to myself. I go out of the room and see everybody suiting up. "hey kid you ready?" asks Jen. "for what?" "were going to get food and supplies for the group" "it's gonna be a hell of a time" Jen swings her hand in the air and yells "load up" everyone Jogs out the back door and I follow. There are like 6 trucks and fills every one of them with soldiers including me. "That soldier that woke me up this morning what's his name?" I ask Jen. "who?...oh you mean Tim he is one of the best guards you'll ever meet and he is super nice" "I can tell" I reply. It's been hours in the car and the gas tank I barley empty. "This thing gets good gas mileage huh" I say "yup that's why I got 6 of them". I fell asleep after about 30 more minutes of driving. "Jack!...Jack!" I wake up I look around and see that we have stopped. "what...what happened?" I say in a crackling voice. "infected" Jen whispers "where?". Before I know it a runner slams into my window. "Holy crap!!!" I yell I grab my pistol out of my holster and fire 2 shots at his head. "Jesus kid" "what I'm supposed to survive right firefly" I say "right she confirms. I take my rifle that Tim gave to me off my shoulder. There are so many runners and clickers. I count one...two...three.... I fire at the runner on my left and then my right but I lost the third one. "AHHHH!" I hear screaming coming from a truck or two down I run to the noise and see Tim. "Tim!!!" I yell and fire I kill the runner attacking him but I was too late. He looks down at his wrist and he sees the bite. "no" he says. I look in fear he drops his gun and puts his arms out like a bird. I'm in tears "there's too many of them" I hear Jen say. "let's go!" she is grabbing my shoulder hauling me back but I know what I have to do. I yank my shoulder away and pull my pistol Boom the pistol goes off. I'm sobbing and as Jen is pulling me away i go with her 'what have I done' I think to myself.

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