Chapter 2 traveling part 2

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I finish my can of meat and I toss it in the trash. "So what do we do next...whats the plan?" I ask. "well I want to try to get to Colorado...ya know the mountains that will have to slow the infected down sense it's snow and rocks and ice". "I used to live in Colorado" I said. " I know I'm related To you" Jen replied slowly. "when do we leave" I ask " as soon a mark and James get back. I look around a bit them I look at Jen I look at her bicep and I see a patch with that dragonfly thing on it and it says 'look for the light' on it. "what's that?" I ask. "oh I almost forgot we are the fireflies we can save the world we are looking for a cure I'm vice president" "who's president?" I ask. "Marline she's in Boston" I nod "here" she gives me one of those patches you can become one

you are one". I take it and tie it around my bicep like the others. "thanks" I say. She smiles and says "we best get some rest we have quite a day tomorrow" "why what's happening tomorrow?" I ask. "you'll see" I crack a smile and walk to my room.

Thanks for reading my story guys hope you like it 😄😄

THE APOCOLYPSEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora