No.2 ~ Hand to Hand

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A/N: This is the story about how Kensi and Deeks first met it is exactly like the actual episode but some parts are cut out and a little but different. I am adding this to the story since it's import Densi history. Enjoy:)

Paparazzi's POV

Outside a Club all the stars were turning up I turned around to get pictures of some super models, I smiled as I looked back on my photos to check the quality "aaaand focus," I said that was when I realised there was a guy in the background in my opinion he looked like crap. I looked up to see if he was still there but he wasn't I walked towards the alley" Hey, Johnny where you going Snooky von Jersey Shaw's pulling up," Dave said I was tempted but I kept walking I then saw a man lying on the ground covered in blood

"HEY! SOMEONE CALL 911!"I yelled panicked" Oh my god," I said realizing his face was covered in blood I took some pictures this would make a great story.

Chapter 1.

Sam's POV

Sam and Callen are playing paper basketball in the bullpen.

"Okay, should I call it or call your shot?" I asked G

"I'm thinking...of new innovative ways to expose your weakness," he said to me

"I have a 'H' you have a 'hO'. Shoot,"

"Top of the key and offhand class." he said focused on the target

"That's the same shot as before," I said

"No, this is a bank shot now, with the off hand, the key is not to over think it, it's a concept I'm sure you'll have no problem embracing fully." he said looking at me with a cheeky G grin he took the shot and landed it in the bin and through the hoop.

"Same shot twice,"

"Hey, I don't break the rules I just bend them," he said grinning

"Listen, I love the rules, the letter and the spirit they're the foundation of civil society," I smiled

"Knock yourself out,"

"Guarantee I'll make the shot," G was still grinning at me. I focused and took the shot and I made the shot.

"OOOH! The humanity," I laughed clapping my hands, suddenly Hetty appeared.

"Hey Hetty, you wanna take a shot?" I asked still grinning from my achievement.

"Come on Hetty one shot, save the planet," Callen said pouting

"Boy games can wait a dead marine can't. Aletaje," she ordered

"Upstairs," G translated

"That better be waste paper you're using," Hetty said to us

"Of course,"

"Absolutely," G and I said at the same time. We walked up towards ops G still had a ball of paper in his hands he threw it from the top of the stairs and it landed in the bin. "YESSSS!" HE LAUGHED


In ops

Kensi's POV

"Lance Corporal Daniel Zuna, stationed without incident at Camp Pendleton until last night," Eric said pulling up a photo of the victim. "This was taken by a member of the paparazzi maybe paparazzo, because paparazzi with an 'I' is plural so paparazzo." Eric said rambling on, Hetty coughed to try and get Eric to focus again.

"These were taken last night near an alley outside of a Night Club called'4 Twenty' in Hollywood Boulevard," Eric continued

"4 Twenty has an incredible DJ," everyone looked at me "what? Girls got to get her freak on now and then," I said surfing an imaginary wave with my arms "Preliminary autopsy showed that Lance Corporal died from massive blood loss," Eric continued

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