Minecraft Club!

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Hey everyone! So, you may be wondering: 'What the hell is a Minecraft Club?' Or you just came here because you ran out of Skylox fanfics to read, I dunno. The possibilities are endless. That aside, I created this magical place called the Minecraft Club so Minecrafters can join together and comment shenanigans and such about their many adventures exploring the Minecrafts... Or the Internet. The internet can be a dark place, my friends, so its best that you stick to Minecraft for now.

Here, you can discuss the many wonders that occur in the magical game world known as Minecraft with your fellow minecrafters. Make new friends, find out secrets, fangirl/fanboy about Minecraft updates... and stuff.


EDIT: I'm currently editing some information about the rules and such for this club. See the latest chapter for more details. :3


Make sure to also check out my friend @Dolphinsrule0802 's  Minecraft Club! ^-^

Minecraft Club!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum