A New Day

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    "Rachel Dawn Freeman, how dare you say no to me without even thinking about it," my best friend Mallory wailed, "it's going to be the party of the summer! How can you even think about not showing up?"

    I sighed, growing impatient with Mal. We'd been best friends since the age of five, but that didn't mean I was immune to her drama-queen attitude. "Because parties are a waste of time. I'd rather be in school right now than go to some party where I won't even know anybody."

    "You'll know me! And, besides, a little birdie told me that Christian was going to be there...," Mal hinted, a teasing smile lighting up her pale, freckled face.

    Christian Armstrong. The most attractive guy at our school... and he knew it. He used his charm and good looks to get any girl he set his sights on. Not that that’s a bad thing... I admire determination in a man.


     I showed the most painful banality in the conduct of this affair, as you will see.

    I hesitated, looking over at her. "He's really going to be there?"

    Mal smiled, nodding. "That's what his best friend Todd told me."

    I bit my lip, mulling it over. Christian always seemed to go for the party-going girls. If he thought I was one of them...

    I looked up at her decisively. "I'm in."




    I could hear the music booming a block away as Mallory drove us towards a house just outside of the city. I bit my lip worryingly. “What if he’s not there after all?”

    Mallory sighed. “Then you’ll just have to suck it up and have a good time, Rachel. There’s really nothing else I can tell you.”

    I sighed. “I thought best friends are supposed to be helpful.”

    Mal grinned as she pulled into a parking spot outside of a really big house. “Too bad. You’re stuck with me.”

    I was too worried to laugh as I looked up at the house, full of nerves. I could hear the music playing from here! Mal saw my face and sighed irritatedly. “Come on. We’re already here. Just forget about the nerves, come inside, and have fun!” She grinned, taking my arm and dragging me towards the backyard, where the party was apparently being held, judging by the sounds of music, talking and laughing coming from it.

     I took a deep breath. Time to suck it up and face the party.

     As soon as we entered the backyard, I looked around, expecting out of control partying. It wasn’t actually that bad. There were only about 50-70 people, dancing or standing on the sidelines with a drink in their hand. Compared to the hundreds I’d imagined when Mal had informed me it would be “the” party of the summer, this was a cake walk.

     I relaxed almost immediately, believing my fears to have been silly.

     I looked to my left, spotting Christian the same moment he spotted me. He walked over, a relaxed smile on his gorgeous face.

     “Rachel, Mallory, I didn’t know you’d be here,” he commented, leaning against the side of the house.

     “Like I would miss this. I couldn’t wait to come,” I lied, smiling flirtatiously at him. Mal rolled her eyes at me while Christian grinned widely.

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