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In his first year of highschool, and even before that, people made up so many rumours about me and told Dawson.

The only thing I could really account for was borrowing a sweater, because I was cold.

With all the rumours, Dawson was getting really upset. He was off. He had just changed in general. His best friend started texting me. I thought it was alright at first, but then he kept asking me for pictures. I didn't want to. He spent around a month pushing me, and convincing me until finally I caved. He took a screenshot.

I felt so badly about what I had done, I decided to break up with Dawson. I'd rather be alone than cause him pain like that anyway.

Shawn decided to show Dawson what I had done, and that was the day that the whole school saw my boobs.

I cried when he found a new girlfriend. I cried and cried and cried. I had been so obsessed that I stalked his messages for hours, since he had given me his codes. I watched who he talked to, and found something out.

Three days after I had left him, I saw him at cadets. We could hardly look at eachother. The next week we were back together. I had apologized for my actions, and promised to never do them again.

Things went smoothly for a while after that, and we continued to sneak over to eachother a houses in the middle of the night.

The next summer I got to see him way more often, because we had both quit cadets. We spent almost every day together. Our parents even let us have sleep overs.

That thing I had found out came back to haunt me when I went onto his phone.

'Anna sent you a message.'

As I went to open it he snatched his phone away from me, and when he gave it back, there were no messages from Anna.

Near the end of summer, we were in line at a Tim Hortons. I was on his phone as per usual, and clicked on something that changed everything. Anna and Dawson had been sending eachother pictures, and sexting, for over half a year. I just stared. I shoved his phone in his face and asked.

He just told me they were old.

He was lying to me, I could tell.

For the next weeks I was obsessed with this situation, and used my FBI skills to find out more and more, get more proof, make him apologize.

He got mad at me for it one day. Said that I just couldn't leave things be. Even then, he still didn't admit it to me.

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