Chapter One: Laying Down the Law

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“We need to talk,” I rehearsed into the mirror inside of my locker. “I like you a lot and I know you like me too. But I can’t do this unless you go public with me. I’m tired of being your secret. If you like me as much as you say you do, you would do this for me.”

“Wow, that sucked ass,” Chad muttered. “You’re being way too fucking nice. It should be more like Aidan if you don’t step up and grow a pair of balls; I’m dumping you’re sorry ass.”

“No one asked for your opinion, Chad,” I said hitting him in the shoulder. “And could you lower your voice?”

“Oh I’m sorry,” Chad said sarcastically. “I’m just saying Kyle – you deserve much better than that asshole. I don’t care how hot the guy is. So, when are you giving him the ultimatum?”

“Today,” I said sighing.

“Good and you better not chicken out,” Chad warned. “Or I’ll personally come and stick my foot up your tight virgin ass.”

“Alright Chad,” I said as I closed my locker door shut.

I couldn’t believe I was going through with this but Chad and Michelle both agreed. I shouldn’t be his secret. I know how hard it is to come out of the closet but all the hiding, secret messages, and rendezvous were tiring. I just wanted to be able to hold his hand in public and do all the lovey dovey things a real couple does. Is that too much to ask for? I didn’t want to be a secret anymore.

I sat through Calculus anxiously, tapping my foot.  I was nervous. I was only nervous because I was supposed to be meeting Aidan in his car at lunch time. That was when I would tell him. It always felt like time flew by when you were nervous. As soon as the bell rang, I moved out of class swiftly. I had to do this. I couldn’t chicken out this time. I had already done it so many times before.

I swallowed hard as I shoved my things in my locker. I took a deep breath as I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. I jumped instantly.

“Why are you so jumpy, Kyle?” Michelle asked as she pulled her bagged lunch out of my locker.

“I’m nervous, Michelle,” I mumbled. “What if he like ends this with me?”

“What is there to end Kyle? I mean he’s completely playing you,” She said as if it was so obvious. “Stop being such a sparkly vampire.”

“But I am a sparkly vampire,” I said sarcastically as she pushed me down the hall towards the parking lot.

“Text me the deets,” She said as she walked into the cafeteria. I slid out the glass doors as I moved around the corner of the school towards Aidan’s car. He always parked it in the same spot. I moved towards his black Dodge Charger. I could see him in the car already. He was waiting for me.

I placed a fake smile on my face as I slid into his passenger seat. I glanced around making sure no one had seen.

“Hi,” He smiled his big bright grin that had made me fall for him. His dimples made me swoon every time.

“Hi,” I replied back as I rested my hands on my knees nervously. His hazel-green eyes flickered towards mine as he pulled out of the parking lot. He grabbed my hand as he drove to our normal spot. Was now a good time to say it?

“God I’ve been dreaming about your lips all day,” Aidan said squeezing my hand. “The kind of day I’ve been having, I could really use some Ky time.”

“Oh really?” I asked as we pulled into the parking lot of Toad’s. He moved swiftly into a parking space. 

“Yes,” He said shutting his car off. He leaned in and kissed me right on the lips. He ran his fingers along my face as he deepened the kiss. He broke the kiss a few seconds after as we walked out of the car.  We shuffled into the diner for our usual. Aidan grabbed the food as I grabbed the booth.

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