Chapter 16: What....the.....hell?

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I return home for five, so I can get ready fo my date, the nerves building. Why am I even nervous? I change into a jumper, a pair of jeans and boots, dressing warm like I was told to, applying make-up and curling my hair. At seven O'clock exactly, I hear the door and dust myself down, making my way over. When I open it, Nathan is revealed, wearing a long sleeved shirt and dark jeans, a bouqet of roses in his hands.
"You look beautiful," he comments, looking at me deeply.
"So do you," I reply and immediatley go red for my stupid comment. He laughs with me and hands me the twelve roses. I take them and put them in a vase as he waits outside, pretending he doesn't live here. 
"Nice place," he says and I smack his arm, telling him to shut up. We leave the building, get into the car and start to drive. Suddenly, all of my favourite songs start to play and I watch as he discreetly looks over to see if I have noticed. 
"This is good music," I praise and watch as he smirks.
"You like this? That's a coincidence so do I," he jokes and I giggle.
"You have an adorable laugh." I blush and the smirk reappears.
"You are adorable when you blush," he embarrasses me, making me hold my head in my hands as I thank him.
After an hour of singing, laughing and joking around, we arrive outside a small restaurant in the middle of nowhere. Of course, I know it is because we can't risk being seen, but I wonder why it is this away from everything.
He helps me out of the car and leads me into the quaint restaurant, but it has no waiter or waitress and no customers. There is just one table, covered in a white sheet with a candle in the middle, rose petals dotted over the surface of the sheet. Cheesy, but beautiful.
"Wow, this is gorgeous," I whisper as he pulls a chair out for me. I sit and he pushes me in, taking his own seat opposite me. I look in the menu and see there are only three meals on there and they are all my favourites.  I guess having the first date this late in the relationship has it's advantages.
I watch as the door opens in the corner and a man dressed in a black suit and white shirt, with a little apron enters the room, two plates in his hand. As he turns to face us, I burst into fits of laughter as I see it is Kyle, playing the part of waiter perfectly.
"A McChicken Sandwhich with large fries for the gorgeous lady," he says in a fake italian accent. I giggle as he places the McDonalds in front of me. The 'gorgeous' comment earned a glare from Nathan, making me smile again.
"And a big mac for the lucky man," he says and Nathan smiles. He then leaves me and Nathan to talk, to be together. I tell him about Steph and Ollie and he is just as surprised as I am, wanting to meet Ollie himself. I tell him he will some day.
"How is everything with James?" I ask and watch as he smiles evily.
"We had a meeting at work today and the boys agreed to kick him out. They were all disgusted with what he did, like any person would be and now he isn't allowed to come near you, Kelly, or the team again." I smile and tell him how amazing that is, when Kyle returns. This time, he takes our empty plates and replaces them plates holding a slice of triple chocolate gateau with chocolate ice cream. I can't believe my eyes and my mouth immediatley waters, eager to try the cake. I give Nathan a knowing look before digging in. 
When the meal is over and the heavenly cake has been consumed, Nathan take my hand leading me outside. We walk across the car park and into the forest, where there is a path, fairy lights lining the route. I smiled and squeeze his hand as we follow the path, the excitement building. After ten minutes and a lot of lights, we arrive at our destination. 
A beach only big enough for the two of us is situated at the edge of the forest, clear blue waves rolling in and out. I walk across the sand to the blanket that has been laid out for us. I turn to Nathan as he warily watches me. I smile widely, showing all of my teeth and hug him. He then leads me to the blanket, where we lie beside each other, the breeze chilling me. Now I know why he told me to dress warm. 
We lie like that, just holding hands, for what seems like forever, until he speaks, sitting up. 
"I love you Lily-Rose James, and I have ever since I saw you at that party, sitting by Kyle, wearing your red dress. I didn't realise it until I was at Kyle's waiting for you to decide on whether you wanted me or not. And then, you did. You looked past my huge flaws, all of them and told me you wanted me for me. And then I messed up. I though what I was doing was right, but it wasn't and I almost lost you. That was when I broke down and realised I never want to lose you. I only ever wanted that cure for me, so I wasn't a monster, but now it isn't just that. It's for you as well. I want to be able to change with you, to marry you, have children with you and grow old with you. I want my only ambition to be to make you happy, but mostly, I want to show you how much I love you every day of my life starting from now," he says and the tears fall from my eyes as I look into his eyes, the words sinking in.
"I love you too," I reply as he kisses me, crushing his mouth on mine. It's true, I do love him, vampire and all.
We laugh as we kiss, reality sinking in. I love him and he loves me. 
"Come on," he says, taking my hand and pulling me back through the forest, running back to the car. We laugh like drunken idiots as we run, climbing into the car.

We get home in half an hour, Nathan at least forty miles an hour over the limit. I couldn't stop laughing at his comment of,'I wish I had never went this far now'. He kisses me, pushing my back against the door as he struggles to open it, my legs locked around his waist.  He gets the door open and we stagger in, still not disconnecting from each other. He carries me inside, whispering how much he loves me between the kisses. I return it, and smile as he carries me into his room. 

Thank you for reading it means a lot, sorry I am not good at writing, but please let me know what you think of the chapter, it would mean a lot!  Do you like it being in Nathan's P.O.V.? Xxx

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