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"Alright. Let's grab some food and keep moving." I spoke as we shut the door to our motel room.

Bucky said nothing but I could only assume he nodded from behind me.

I climbed in the car and waited for Bucky to put our bags back.

He insisted I not carry anything.

Such a gentleman.

I rolled my eyes.

Bucky climbed in beside me and yawned.

"Didn't sleep well?" I asked.

He shook his head,"That air mattress is odd."

I smiled,"Yes. Hopefully next time we can find two beds."

"Hopefully." He added before I pulled out of the parking lot.

"What's a McChicken?" Bucky asked as he squinted at the menu.

I resisted the urge to laugh.

He was so adorably old.

"It's basically just a chicken sandwich." I responded.

"Can I get 6 of those?"

My eyes widened,"You want 6 McChickens?"

"You think I should get something else? Maybe 6.....McDoubles?"

I looked at him incredulously.

"I'm hungry."

"Okay." I nodded. "How about half and half?"

He shrugged,"Sure."

"Hi can I get a 10 piece nugget meal, 3 McDoubles, 3 mcChickens, 2 large fries and you know what let me get two large cokes as well."

The lady spoke, in Ukrainian of course.

"She said to pull up to the first window." Bucky informed.

My own personal translator.

Bucky quickly translated the transaction and we were back on the road in no time.

"Oh man, these fries are so good." He spoke with a full mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

"You could have mine if you want." I added looking at him.

He gave me a wide eyed stare.

"All you got was a sandwich, fries and a drink. You'll starve."

I laughed loudly.

"Not everyone has the appetite of a super soldier. If it bothers you're so much, only take half of my fries and I'll eat the rest."

He shook his head and continued to eat his other food, leaving my fries alone.

Because he thinks I'll starve.

I smiled to my self.

"Ya know, you could pull over if you're too tired."

I let out another yawn and shook my head. "Just a few more miles."

"Maybe I could drive?" He paused,"At least for a little. Until we can find somewhere to stay."

I pulled over on the side and put the car in park. "Are you sure?"

He nodded,"I've driven a few times, and there isn't really anyone on then road so it shouldn't be too hard."

I sighed, "only until we find somewhere to stay for the night."

He nodded and opened the door and walked around.

I got into the passenger side and leaned my head back while he adjusted the seat and mirrors.

"Seatbelt please." He spoke.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the strap across me and put it on.

He faintly smiled.

"The first motel we see, we take it." He added.

"Mm." I exhaustedly grumbled.

I turned over on my side and drifted off.

Normally I wouldn't trust a random stranger with little driving experience to drive me around while I slept but I was too tired to fight it.

Last night wasn't the best sleep I've had.

I was woken up but the feeling of floating.

He was carrying me again.

I lifted my head and pried my eyes open.

"Bucky, what's going on?"

"I got us a room." He informed.

"You? You can't! They'll know who you are."

"I know how to hide myself well. Besides, I used a fake ID. You should get one. They're handy in these types of situations."

"Well Barnes, I don't get into these types of situations often."

He smiled.

"Don't worry. I kept my head down. And the guy was borderline senile."

I laughed and hit his chest, "How rude."

He placed me down in front of a room and unlocked the door.


"Yeah. Seems like we can't catch a break with this bed thing. But I'll take the couch."

I shrugged and entered the room and plopped on the bed. 
"Do I stink?" I asked.

Bucky looked amused. "Pardon?"

"Do I smell bad?" I rephrased.

He shook his head, "You smell like flowers."

I nodded, "Good, I am way too tired to take a shower right now."

He shook his head.

"You know James, you can sleep in the bed with me if you want. It's definitely big enough and that couch looks ready to fall apart."

His eyes widened, "oh I don't know dol- Stephanie. I don't think I'm the best sleeping partner."

I shrugged, "Neither am I."

He nodded, "Alright then."

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