He is seriously going to go have sex with someone and then think he is making me move. I don't want to anger him any further so I do what he asks. "Act normal in front of everyone or you will regret it." I nod and tell
Lila that I'm leaving for the day. She is on the phone so she just nods. Once outside he grabs my arm and pulls me into the alley next to my work and presses me between his body and the brick wall. My heart is pounding in my throat. He tightens his grip on my arm and I feel his nails dig into me. Suddenly he slaps me across the face. "I'll be back for you." He says says and turns to walk away. I slide down the wall and begin to cry. My tears mixed with anger and fear. Once I've regained my composure I pull out my phone to text Drew.

**Are You busy? I need to talk to you."

I send the text and head towards home. Halfway there Drew texts me back.

**Nope not busy. I was just gonna text you and see how your day is going so far.**

**Not So good actually. I'm almost home can you meet me there as soon as you can?**

**Yea let me just finish up here and I'll be there in about twenty minutes. I'm at the club so it won't take long. Andrea can handle this.**


I'm thankful that Julie is gone when I get home. I have sometime to compose myself before Drew gets here. Just as the thought crosses my mind I hear a knock on the door.

Drew's POV

When Emma answers the door she seems to be trying hard not to look at me. I can instantly tell that something isn't right. I cup her face in my hands and try to read her. Her makeup is dried up down her cheeks like she's been crying. What did I do?

"Baby what's wrong. Tell me and I can fix it. Why have you been crying? Do you regret last night?"

She closes her eyes and shakes her head no. Okay so then why is this beautiful woman so upset. "Tell me please."

"My ex showed up at my work. He is trying to force me to go back home with him. I don't know how he knew where I worked. He said he has a tracking thing on my phone and he is going to be here soon."

Now. Now I am pissed. "Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?" She tells me about the scene in the alley and I'm seeing red. I fold her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. "Drew please don't leave. I am staying in New York."

"You aren't going anywhere. It's whatever you want. Fuck that loser. He doesn't want to show up here while I'm here."

"Thank you Drew."

Her voice is so sweet. How could anyone want to hurt her. But then my mind wanders a bit back to the last few hours I spent with my sister at the club.

"Where the fuck have you been? I've called you a shit ton of times." Andrea asks me. I try to play it off like I was with one of my other chicks and not with Emma but my mind kept going back to her. "Who were you with then that was more important than our club?"

"I was with Emma." Shit I meant to say Becca. She knows about Becca. "Who is Emma?" I stay silent as she figures it out on her own. "That girl from Friday. The one you kicked that guys ass for right? So you're back in the game I see." She says with a wicked grin on her face. "How long do you think it will take? I'm gonna have to find some fool so that you don't take the lead. Ooh I have just the..."

"I'm not playing this dumbass game anymore!" I yell at her. Her jaw drops for a second but she has already figured it out. "So you save her on Friday. Corner her in the bathroom on Saturday. And fall for her on Sunday?"

"I'm not falling for her. She is just too nice to be caught in the middle of our fucked up minds." Maybe I should just leave her alone. She is messing with my head anyways. Has me doing shit I don't normally do.

"Too nice? Since when has that ever mattered?" When I don't answer she attempts to push me with a surprised look on her face. "She a virgin isn't she? Oh this is too perfect. I tell you what.. I'll make you a deal. You take the nuns' virginity and drop her and I'll give you my half of the club. It will be all yours." Wait she is offering to give up partial ownership and I won't have to have her input in every decision I make. That's what I wanted since we started this thing two years ago. Do I give up the chance to own this place by myself for a woman I barely even know. Or do I ruin her? Damn. This is a tough one. "Fine I'm in. But when I hit it you sign your shit over to me. Then I'm done with this shit." I really don't want to be in. This is so fucked up. My phone goes off and I pull it out to check who it is. Of course. Emma would text me right after I agree to this stupid shit. She seems upset. I leave the club without another word to Andrea.

"What are you thinking?" She uses my own line on me.

"Nothing just.." We both turn and look towards the door. It must be him. I pull away from her a back up so that I will be behind the door when she opens it.

"Come on bitch open the fucking door. It's time to go." He yells through the door. She turns to me and I nod at her to open the door. When she opens the door he walks in and grabs her and tries to kiss her and that's all it takes. I push the door closed and he looks at me. I can tell he is intimidated but he tries to hide it.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asks me. Then turns to her. "You been out here sluttin around. You fucking him but you wouldn't fuck me. You're a dirty bitch." She is crying now and backing up towards her room. I waste no time in dropping this punk to the floor punching him over and over. When I get off of him he scrambles to his feet and without another word walks out slamming the door behind him. Emma falls to the floor crying. I walk over to her trying to comfort her. I easily lift her of the floor and gather her up in my arms. As I walk her to her room she visibly starts relaxing in my arms.

I lay her on the bed and crawl in behind her and pull her close. She snuggles up to me and starts rubbing her sexy ass on me. Shit I was not expecting that. This bet will be harder than I thought.

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