To: Carl

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Carl Grimes,

We grew up watching you on the show, some of us even grew up with you like me. You went through so much pain and suffering, got shot in the stomach, seeing your first friend turn into one of them, shot Shane, well what remains of him, put your mother down because you don't want her to turn, almost lost Judith and Rick to getting shot at the eye.

I remember when I first saw you on the show, you were this innocent child who doesn't deserve to live in the apocalypse, then looking at you now, you have grown into a man that has the potential to lead the people just like your father. When you shot Lori and the kid in the prison, I can tell that what made you the man you are today.

Now that you're on your deathbed, I only have a few more words before you're gone forever. Thank you for the memories that we fans have shared with you throughout the years, you have a huge impact on us. I have never felt something like this towards a fictional character, but I can tell you it makes me happy and sad at the same time. Your death can have many reactions, from devastation to inspiration. It can inspire Rick's decision when it comes to killing Negan and the Saviours and ending the war, hell it may even inspire Negan cause he likes your ballsy spirit to sacrifice yourself to hide the Alexandrians. And who knows? Alexandria, Hilltop and The Kingdom may honor your death as a symbol of heroism even at the state of the world is in.

I just wanna say this with the fans who are mourning with me until your last breath. Thank you for joining us in your journey and WE love you so much that we can't let you go that easily out of our lives.


A Fan


idk how many times i cried after watching the mid season finale, is anyone still crying with me? no, okay then.

i made a playlist for coral months before his deathbed so if yall are interested, just screenshot this

i made a playlist for coral months before his deathbed so if yall are interested, just screenshot this

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so until then....

maybe at the mid season premiere i will probably cry more until i feel numb like my current state. BYEE !

Letter for Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now