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James' pov

Thomas was in the kitchen making Mac n cheese as usual, ever since he learned about pasta he has been going crazy for it. It's a thing that usually distracts him for his..thirst..

As for John I haven't heard much from him ever since yesterday. Though I'm interested in his friends...they didn't seem normal or at least the guy with the beanie didn't seem normal..
I didn't want to jump to conclusions but from that growl I heard from him he could be a werewolf of some kind.. either that or he is just really into wolves.

I sighed and went to go with Thomas, he seemed focused on his cooking and was stirring the pot with the ingredients in it. I smiled at him and went and hugged him from behind. I could tell he grew tense for a second before quickly turning around, picking me up, and hugging me from off the ground. He did it so quickly I forgot where I was for a second.
I blushed and hugged him back.

He was so warm and his hair was fluffy. I loved this man with all my heart. I just want him to be happy without getting anyone hurt.

We soon left each others embrace and started to talk as he went back to stirring the pot.

"Wow..how long has it been since I met you?"

"Um about a few months..why?"

"I don't know just saying..its kinda funny, I just fell in love with a stranger I met at my door and now look at me..im stutter is gone, I'm a bit more confident, I mean hey I just hugged you which means I'm okay to make the first move now, well not counting what we did a few days ago"

Thomas' face immediately turned red in embarrassment.

" That was nice but I never really thought of you as the lustful type" he replied trying to gain back his normal posture.

" Well I've never really had any sexual interaction remember"

"Yeah but I said that as a joke I never actually thought that you were still..ya know.."

"Yeah I guess I should have made that more clear...but hey, at least my first time was with someone special.."

"Im not really special.."

"Yes you are!"

"James I'm just a monster I don't even know why you hang around me.."

"Again, you are not a monster! I love you so much, you haven't even killed a person in like what a month! That's a good start, besides until we get things figured out..just feed off of me.."

Thomas sighed, he seemed a bit stressed. Maybe that's my fault..

"I don't want to hurt you James. I can't bare to lose you..i don't know what I would do if I did.."

Thomas immediately than panicked. He quickly turned to get the pot off the stove and put it in the sink to cool off a bit.

"Aw frick dude I almost burned my Mac n cheese"

I giggled at his choice of words. He smiled at me and we just laughed together.

After he made the Mac n cheese we cuddled on the couch. I loved being in his embrace and I knew he loved me too.

"Thomas can you promise me something"

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll never leave me"

"You do know that I have to use the bathroom someday right?"

I chuckled at his response.
"No silly! I meant like..don't run off somewhere and just leave me alone...Like forever.."

"I would never leave you alone like that..well at least not without an explanation because if I left without you knowing that's just a dick move"

I chuckled once more then gave a soft smile at the taller man.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

As we were locked in each other's embrace and warmth I fell asleep in his arms.

John's Pov

I was about to go knock on James' door until I looked into the window. He was sound asleep, he looked so peaceful being in someone's arms. I couldn't help but smile until I looked at who was with him. I tried now to scowl. It's just Thomas. He isn't a threat. He is your 'friend' it's okay.

I guess I'll knock again tomorrow.

I went back to my house. My friends Hercules and Lafayette were In there probably talking about how good it feels be to a weird creature of some sort.

I sighed. My life was all normal until Alexander died...
I guess I should come to terms with the fact that he isn't coming back, killing Thomas won't get him back. I should just look for someone else to give my comfort to. I walked into the house and saw Lafayette and Hercules kissing in my own house.

"I thought you guys said you weren't gay?"

"We did.." Lafayette said first


"Oh.. well I guess we lied?"

What the fuck...

Okay what this actually T R I G G E R S me, they know that I'm gay and now they tell me by kissing in my own house..
What the fu-

"John we can hear you..." hercules said snapping me out of my thoughts


"What we meant to say was that we kinda just figured it out.."

"...This story is supposed to be about vampires not about you two coming out"

"W-what...what story John what are you talking about?"

"Oh right haha, I'm going into my room you two can make out if you want"

I sighed before closing the door and walking into my room. I felt my body come to a rest as it hit the soft cushioned bed. I smiled as I drifted to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen to James if Thomas went out of control. But my mind was just trying to relax me. It was probably for the best.

I drifted to sleep.

Tomorrow is another day...

Haha sorry I'm shit

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