Chapter Two: Divination

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[Chapter Two]

“Lucy, get up,” a voice called.

“Sirius?” I asked.

“No, its Fred.”

When I opened my eyes, I was blinded with light. I stared up at Fred, George, and Terry’s worried faces, uncomprehending.

I shivered as it all came back to me. The dementor. I had never seen one before – not even on my visits to Azkaban.

I sat up, still freezing from head to toe. Fred pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

“How’d you guys get rid of it?” I asked shakily.

“Well, when you passed out, we all just sort of went haywire on it and shot loads of random curses at it until it just shut the door and left,” said Lee. “Completely shocked us. We thought it might try to fight back or something, but no – it just left.”

I looked over at the door at the same time a man appeared in the window. He was tall, with shabby robes that were patched up and a scarred face. He glanced though the window at looked straight at me.

He stopped dead in his tracks, still looking right at me. He reached out towards the door hesitantly. He then pulled his hand back just a little, but then reached out all the way and grasped the handle of the door and opened it.

“Is everything all right in here?” he asked in a sort of timid way.

“We’re still recovering from the dementor,” said Terry, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

The man pulled a bar of chocolate out of his robes and handed it to Fred.

“You lot eat that,” he said. He pointed a finger at me. “What’s your name?”

“Lucille Black,” I replied bleakly.

“You eat that chocolate, it will help.” He shot me one last curious look before stepping out and shutting the door.

Fred opened the package and broke the chocolate into six pieced, handing it out to all of us.

I took a bite and was pleased to find that the chill inside of my body was replaced with warmth.

“He’ll be the new Defense teacher, I’ll bet,” said George.

We changed into our uniforms as Hogwarts appeared in the distance. I was still a bit shaky from the dementor, so Fred helped me with my tie.

As the train came to a complete stop, Fred adjusted my tie and gave me one final kiss before we jumped out onto the platform. We followed the rest of the school along the platform and out onto a mud track where there awaited a few hundred stagecoaches. As we approached them, I glanced swiftly over at one of the thestrals.

Fred, George, Terry, and I got into an empty one. Fred and George forced me in between themselves and Terry sat by himself on the bench opposite of us. Before the door could shut, a hand reached out and grasped the doorframe.

“Do you mind if I join you?” the man from the train asked.

“No, go ahead,” said Fred.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?” I asked.

“I’m your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,” he said. “Remus Lupin.”

A jolt of recognition hit me and Fred tapped the side of my leg with his finger while Terry looked at me as if to say, “I did hear that right, didn’t I?”

Terry being my best friend, even closer than the twins, we were capable of communicating without words.

I shot him a looked that said, “Let’s play, shall we?” He’d seen that look many times and he grinned.

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