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I would like to believe that everything was real, but I can't bring myself to open my eyes and face the horrible reality of the orphanage.

"Hailey? Are you awake?" A voice says inside my head.

My eyes immediately pop open. I see Harry next to me under the blanket and Hagrid on the couch. Harry grins at me as if he knew what I was thinking and brings me into a hug.

"I just had to give money to an owl." He whispers into my ear.

"Could things get any weirder?"

"Careful what you wish for you two. Things in our world are weirder than you can imagine."

"Weird in a good way or weird in a bad way." I ask standing up and stretching.

"Don't know. Never been asked that before." He laughs and sits up.

"Well prepare for loads of questions Hagrid. I've got plenty."

He gave a hearty chuckle. "I thought you would."

"Hagrid what are we going to do today?" Harry asked.

"We are goin' to get your stuff for Hogwarts."


The day passed much to quickly for my liking and Harry and I soon found ourselves back at the Dursley's, locked in our room as usual.

"Harry it all feels so...." I trail off not knowing a word to finish my sentence.

"I know Hailey."

"Lets get some sleep. Better be rested up for Hogwarts. I wouldn't be surprised if Uncle V and Aunt Petty Petunie gave us extra chores."

"Yeah you're right."

"I know now shush and sleep little brother."

"I'm not the little brother!"

"You so are the little brother."

"Next time I see Hagrid I'm asking him."

"Goodnight little brother." I giggle

"OH I'll show you."

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