Chapter Fifty-Four: His choice

Start from the beginning

"I've drawn you a bath with a bit of lavender. I have to go do one last thing before everything's complete. Just relax while I finish setting up the bedroom." Robin took the single flower from Regina's hand and placed it by the tub. "Is there anything you need while I'm away?" Regina grabbed Robins wrist as he moved to go; pulling him back to her for one last kiss.

Once Robin was gone, Regina allowed herself to slip into the warm water. Small bits of lavender swirled around her as Regina closed her eyes and dunked her head under water. The heat burned her eyes and cheeks but the cool air on her damp skin was refreshing as she ran her fingers through her hair. While the warm bath was quite relaxing, Regina couldn't bare the anticipation of the night before her.

Regina waited until the water began to cool down before stepping out and tying her hair into a loose braid so it wouldn't drip down the front of her nightgown. Taking a deep breath, Regina finally emerged from the small bathroom to find Robin sitting out on the balcony looking up at the stars. He sat on a pile of quilts and pillows beside a plate of cheese, bread and fruit. Regina smiled as she padded over to the open double doors, sinking to her knees to be next to the man she was desperately and completely in love with.

Above them, the sky had become almost black, the only color being the milky white of the stars. The beauty of the night sky overwhelmed Regina into silence, allowing the two to sit quietly together for what seemed like a lifetime.

"Do you miss it?" Regina finally asked, not able to tear her eyes from the world before her. She waited for an answer, listening to Robin's unsteady breaths until she thought his answer would be yes.

"I've never left it. The sky, the forest: they're still here with me." Regina nodded, shifting so that she was propped up by her straight arms. Robin's hand slipped over hers, drawing her attention to him. "I wouldn't change anything that's happened. I love you more than you know. I love the way you love my son, the way you protect me, the way you carry yourself and the way you command a room. I love that you're carrying our child and I love that you chose me." Robin's arm snaked around Regina's waist, pulling her into his chest. "You don't ever have to worry about me, M'lady."

"I know." Regina whispered as she sunk down onto their makeshift bed, her eyes finding the stars once more.

Silence swept over them once more as they laid together under the blanket of the stars. Robin's hand rubbed a straight path against Regina's back, the other one resting over her hand on his chest. Their legs twisted together until Regina was convinced that they were one.

"You're worried." It was a statement.

Regina took a deep breath, looking up at her lover. "Let's not speak of things like worry tonight." Robin peered down at her over his nose, his eyes like two glass marbles dipped in the ocean. "Tonight is a night like no other."

"No two nights are the same." Robin countered. "Please confide in me." Seeing Regina's tired eyes, Robin sighed in defeat. "If not now, then later." Regina agreed, receiving a tender kiss from her husband. Regina smiled as her fingers traced down Robin's jawline.

"What do you see in me?" Regina's voice was barely a whisper as she peered down at her lover. Robin frowned at her inquiry, taking her hand in his as he answered.

"Hopefully the same thing you see in me. A second chance." Robin smiled then, wrapping his arms around Regina as he flipped her over, hovering above her. Regina squealed, taken by surprise. "And you're quite a good kisser." Regina laughed, watching as Robin's eyes crinkled before his lips found hers again.

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