To Live, To Laugh, To Love

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Since it was their last day before missions started again and they had to start running around saving the world again, Nick Fury had arranged a party for the Avengers. Natasha wasn't one much for parties, so she wasn't really enjoying herself that much. Like Steve, she thought to herself, then shook her head. Don't think about him. But Natasha couldn't help it. He was driving her crazy and Natasha was so angry that someone could gain control over her like that. Trying to erase her thoughts, she drank a shot of vodka and closed her eyes.

"Don't drink too much," a voice heeding warning said behind her. She turned around. It was Clint, of course, but she was secretly hoping that it was Steve.

"Still thinking about our Capsicle?" He asked, leaning on his elbows while doing so. Natasha shook her head immediately. Clint gave her a look.

"Don't lie to me, Nat. I can see right through you," he said. "Look - you love Steve, Steve loves you. Just apologize and everything will be back to normal." Natasha shook her head again and held on to her drink with shaking hands.

"You know it's not that simple, Clint. You know that Steve and I are both too stubborn to say sorry. You know that there is no normal for us," she said. Her voice shook with anger and frustration, and she took another drink. Clint sighed and stood up.

"Well then, at least stay to hear his speech," he said, and left. Natasha opened her mouth to ask something, but when she did, Clint was already gone.

Just then, the whole room grew quiet. Steve was standing at the front, behind a podium. He was handsome as ever in his blue tuxedo, and it was difficult to avert her eyes from him. He cleared his throat and looked out into the audience.

"Hey, everyone. It's me, Steve Rogers," he said. Natasha couldn't help but smile as he said this. She hadn't heard his voice in days and she had missed. Realizing what she was doing, she quickly put an emotionless face on before anyone could notice.

"Well, I just want to say that I'm happy. I know that sounds a bit weird, since no one should be happy that missions are starting again. But I'm happy for all the memories that we have made. I'm happy that we, the Avengers, are all United again. I'm happy that I found a new love in my life." He paused, and Natasha held her breath.

"To me, living doesn't just mean not dying. Living means smiling, laughing, feeling happy, for at least one moment in your life. In my opinion, to live means to love, and to be loved," Steve said, staring straight at Natasha in that last part. "It doesn't matter that you live for three months or you live for a hundred years. What really matters is that you live your life to its fullest, without regrets, because you never know when it'll end."

"Thank you for being here, and please, enjoy the party," he continued. Loud applause filled the room as his speech ended. Making up her mind, Natasha stood up.

Minutes later, Steve found himself walking outside to get some fresh air. He closed his eyes and inhaled. You did good, Steve. You did good, he said to himself. He exhaled then walked ahead.

All of a sudden, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.


Steve turned around to see Natasha running up to him. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing heavily. Steve raised his eyebrows in question, then everything stopped and all he could see was her. The world seemed to move in slow motion as Natasha made her next move.

Natasha went on her toes, and reached up to Steve's face. Her hand was warm, despite the cold weather. She leaned in, and her lips fell on his.

Steve melted into the kiss. He ran his hand through her crimson curls. He had missed these lips, he had missed these curls, he had missed these eyes, this face, everything about her. As they broke away, Natasha looked straight into Steve's eyes. For a second, Steve got worried because her green eyes were so bright, too bright, but this worry flew out the window as she said, "I love you." Steve's breath caught for a moment.

"You still love me?" He asked, his eyes wide.

Natasha smiled a perfect smile and replied, "Of course I do, silly. Did I ever say that I stopped? Because I would never stop, Steve. Not with you. I loved you before, I love you now, and I will in the future. I know it for sure. It's the one thing I believe in the most."

Steve smiled, his mouth too wide, but he didn't care. All he cared about was the girl who was standing in front of him. Her emerald eyes shining with happy tears, her cheeks the color of her hair, her heavy breathing, how her vivid red curls fell perfectly on her shoulders.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear those words the past few days," he said, and they both laughed. As Natasha laughed, he realized how much he missed her laugh too. Gosh, he must be going crazy. As the laughter subsided, he said, "I love you, too." Then they stared at each other for a long moment, green on blue, which was broken by a passionate kiss.

An audience was watching the two now, but no one wanted to say anything, because this moment was special - Natasha and Steve had gotten back together again.

Yay!!! Romanogers is back!! I just want to give everyone a heads up that the next chapter will probably be the last. I know this fanfic is a little shorter than normal ones, but I hope you still like it. Thank you for all your support and... hail

Live. Laugh. LOVE. - A Romanogers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now