The end

15 3 0

Just then the ambulance pulls up

The paramedics jump out

As Aj shows them the directions towards the casualty

The paramedics retrieve a signal in nahla

Sarah: what's happened

Harris:is she going to be OK

Paramedic:shh has she taken anything

Harris: no


Harris:yes this cake

Nahla:where's Harris

Harris:I'm here love

Nahla:what happened

Harris:u fainted,ur going to be OK

The paramedic sits up nahla

Paramedic: u ain't allergic

Nahla:allergic no

Paramedic: do u mind coming to hospital for additional scans

Harris:she doesn't mind come on babe

Harris and nahla go to the hospital

Nahla:there is absolutely nothing wrong with me

Harris:babe to be certain

Nahla:fine bit when I get out u got to get hasna back


Harris phones zakariyah

Zakariyah: yo

Harris :when ur coming drag Hasna with u

Zakariyah: k

Nahla is assessed

Doctor: uve not eaten anything unusual


Doctor: not pregnant


Doctor:missed a period


Doctor:had any disease's in ur generation

Nahla:is this necessary ,I've just come back from a tiring holiday

Doctor:where may I ask?


Doctor:ohh did u eat pizza


Doctor:your results show your egg cells are fertilising ,three of them


Doctor:yes and one of em is rejecting the food of state

Harris:what does that mean 

Doctor:if any do fertilise fully its a potential kid

Harris:no more cheese

Doctor: I recommend daily visits to ur gp


Harris:come on rest 4 u

Nahla:u promised

Harris: and she's coming


Nahla enters her home happy

Nahla:what if something goes wrong 

Harris: ull be good come here

Harris kisses nahla

Perfect in a cr😱zy world!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin