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The Jung's were going through a exciting period of time

Everyone was happy

Harris's mom was going through wedding plans 

And nothing could've been better

Hasna goes to open up her salon with her daughtwr

Hasna looked wow

Not to mention her daughter how cute

Ismail was also present

Hasna:I ain't gonna run

Ismail:I just want to be close


They enter and hasna is putting the rubbish out when she sees laiba shifting on the ground

She approaches her

Hasna:go home it'll be the best for u

Laiba :she don't want me 

Hasna:I'm sorry I can't help u I'm broke my self

Hasna enters running her business

Everyone congratulating her on the birth of a beauty

But hasna had made the worst msifske 

Because laiba knew her secret

Hasna was living her happy , extraordinary life

Hasna was living her happy , extraordinary life

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(Pree the glasses)

Incomes Maya

Maya:your girls back in action

Maya:so how u been girl

Hasna:good I had a kid

Maya:gossip has it

Hasna:u know bout Aidan 


Hasna:he's been numbered on Harris 

Maya:DAT bitch I'll sort her

Maya exits to see Laiba on a bench

Maya approach her

Maya:I'm so happy u wanna know why 


Maya:u may have shagged me man but u had nothing rela u formed Aidan he's not gonna wanna know yah and everyones happy but u I hope u rot u cow

Laiba tears

Harris was damn merry at his crib

He was trying organise everything 

He'd booked tickets to Morocco for his family

He was so 'not stressed'

Zakariyah was being his foolish self

Perfect in a cr😱zy world!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant