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I sit on my bed scrolling through my phone when I hear the front door slam shut. I figure it's either my mom or one of my older sisters coming home from work, but I was wrong. My door opens and I see my youngest sister standing at the entrance with tears clouding her eyes.
"Oh my god, Kendall! What's wrong? What happened?" I asked as I threw my phone to my side. She walked in as her sobs get heavier "he broke up with me" she cries as she falls onto my bed. I immediately tightly hold her in my arms "Kendall. I am so sorry. Did he say why?" She shakes her head no "what do I do Syd? I've never been through a breakup." I take a deep breath

"well for a while you're going to be upset. Heck you're going to be more than upset, borderline depressed. And all you're going to want to do is cry. Everything that ever reminded you of him is going make you want to curl up in a ball and sob for hours. Even the sound of his name will make you want to cry. And that's okay. It's one thing that they never tell you. It is okay to cry. When you love someone that much and they leave it hurts and you're going to cry but that's perfectly fine. If one of you leaves and you don't want to cry, then you never truly loved each other.

Then after you cry for a while you're going to get angry. You're going to be angry with him and everyone around him. You'll probably start by taking everything you have of his and throwing it out and ripping up pictures of when you were together. Then you'll go through instagram and delete every picture or you'll change every caption. After that comes the camera roll. Every picture that he is in, even if it is a group shot, deleted. Because the last thing you want is to see his face. Once the pictures are deleted comes talking about him. You're going to tell your friends every terrible thing he did, even if it wasn't terrible. When they mention his name you will just roll your eyes and say you don't care about him when you honestly do. The last part of being angry is the hardest. You'll finally get up the courage to delete the text messages and his phone number. It's probably one of the hardest things you'll do but it will happen.

Then you'll start feeling regret. You'll want everything back. Every text, every picture, everything he ever gave you. But you know you won't be able to get it back. You'll also start regretting everything you did and didn't do during your relationship. You'll think about every word you ever said to each other and regret each time you said it. You'll regret not fighting for him to stay and you'll forget walking away yourself but also watching as he did to.

The next thing to happen will be blaming yourself for everything. You're going to blame yourself for every fight you had during your relationship. you'll blame yourself for not saying 'I love you' enough or for saying it to much. You'll blame yourself for him leaving when ultimately you did nothing wrong. It was his own decision to leave and you can't change his mind no matter what you do.

Then comes jealousy. You'll start by being jealous of him. You're going to see that he has moved on to other people and you will think they are prettier then you, that they're better than you in every way. So in return, you'll try to make him jealous. You'll start by doing your makeup and hair everyday to make him see how pretty you are even though he fell in love with your natural beauty. Then you'll wear clothes that are tighter and show more skin. You'll try to make him see every part of your body that he is missing even though he wasn't in love with your body. Whenever he is around you're going to put a smile on your face, one bigger than when you were together, and you'll always do this stupid laugh to make him think you've moved on as well.

Then you'll cry again. But for a different reason. You'll cry because you know that nothing can change. That no matter what you do or what you say nothing can change his mind. You'll cry because you'll realize he is gone and you can't get him back no matter how hard you try.

but eventually you'll begin to heal. One day, you won't know when, but you'll wake up and feel different. You'll look outside and the sun will be shining and you'll realize that it is a gorgeous site. You'll stand in front of the mirror and wipe off all the makeup that had been hiding yourself. You'll put on the clothes you always wore, ones that don't emphasize your body but ones you look like yourself in. And then you'll smile. You'll smile a real smile, your smile and everything will begin to make sense. You'll see your friends and not even talk about the boy. Sure he will come into your head occasionally, but only the good things. You'll be thankful for what you had and wont count on the thought of him coming back. And one day you'll find someone who treats you even better than he did and you'll be even happier."

I continue holding Kendall tightly in my arms as I place a kiss on her forehead "I know that it doesn't seem like it now Ken, but I promise you it will get better. And remember it's okay to go through all of those emotions and don't let anyone tell you it's not."

Kendall sits up and wipes the tears from her cheeks "Thank you, Syd". I nod and show her a gentle smile "I love you for all the days, Ken"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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