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That's how you could describe the world through the window of a tour bus on Thanksgiving day. You see the empty parking lots of stores and the lack of vehicles on the roads, and you know that everyone else is at home with their families snuggled up on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies. There is nothing quite like waking up on a cold Thursday morning to the smell of the turkey roasting and pies in the oven. Walking down the stairs to see all the ones you love in the same place watching the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade then knowing later your cousins will be practicing football tackles on each other waiting for desert. The one thing that that brings me comfort on these cold November mornings is knowing that I'm with my second family which is almost as comforting as being with my immediate relatives.  

"Mama! Wake up!" I feel my 7 year old daughter tugging at the blanket of my bed. I roll to my side and take a deep breath "Rea, why don't you go downstairs and play with your cousins. Daddy and I will be down in a little while." The blonde nods her head before skipping off to find her playmates. As I begin to fully wake up, I smell the familiar scent of pumpkin pie being cooked downstairs. "Happy Thanksgiving, babe" I feel a kiss planted on my cheek. I turn my head and gently peck Val's lips "Happy Thanksgiving". After a few moments of laying comfortably together, we both got up and got ready for the festivities of the day. 

As I walk downstairs I am almost immediately greeted by  my best friend "happy Thanksgiving" Brittany says giving me a gentle hug with her 4 year old daughter, Tegan, on her hip. "Happy Thanksgiving Britt" I say accepting her embrace "and happy Thanksgiving miss Tegan". The four year old rubs her eyes "happy tanksgiving." I walk further down the stairs where I am immediately transported to my home back in Utah. All of the girls are in the kitchen making various dishes to later be shared while all the guys are in the living room watching the children almost as intently as they are watching the game. 

"What can I do to help?" I ask Mrs.Erbert who had graciously opened her home to all of us since we were in Topeka for the holiday. "You could help Lindsay with the pies?" I smiled and nodded "of course!" I make my way over to the blonde who was on the other side of the kitchen island "Happy Thanksgiving, Linds!" she turns around and gives me a one armed hug while the other held up a wooden mixing spoon with batter dripping down back into the bowl "Happy Thanksgiving, Jen!" We then begin to lay out crusts for the various pies we would be making that day. Lindsay lets out a light sigh "Thanksgiving won't be the same without Shar this year" I shook my head in agreement "yeah but I'm glad she was able to go home and spend time with her family seeing that her and Nyle are due to have their son any day now". The silent moment which we were having was soon disrupted when Hallie came running over crying. "Oh my god, Hals what happened?" she said picking up her 4 year old daughter who's eye was bright red "Mi-Mi-Mickey poked me" she got out through her tears. The young blonde came trailing behind "I didn't mean to! We were dancing and I by accidentally hit her! I didn't do it on purpose!" she said on the verge of tears nervous of Lindsay's reaction "It's okay Mickey it was a accident." Once I finished up the pies, I set them to the side and walked to the other counter to see what needed to be done. 

Britt and Hayley stood making mashed potatoes with their daughters Emmi and Adrianna 'helping' them in the process. "Hey guys" I said as I approached the counter. Both adults turn to be "Happy Thanksgiving" they say pretty much simultaneously. I walk into the dinning area to find Witney and Peta setting the table "need any help?" I offer to the two blondes. "I think we're pretty much set, if you wanna gather up everyone and bring them in" I retreat back into the living room "okay, game off time to eat!" I say as someone powers off the television and the mass of people moves to the dinning room. I look around and see everyone around me and think about how thankful I am to be surrounded by such amazing people. 

I was practically memorized by all the moments that were happening at once. Lindsay and Sam sat at the other end of the table with Hallie in between them who continuously asked for more potatoes before she finished her turkey or other vegetables. Adrianna and Emmi sat in between both sets of parents giggling to each other about who knows what while Britt and Keo and Hayley and Derek laughed at their daughters laughter. Brittany and Artur sat on either side of Tegan smiling as they enjoyed every little moment. Witney's smile was plastered on her face as she watched Carson with their two year old daughter, Lauren, playing games to get her to finish all of her meal. Peta and Maks sat next to each other hand in hand while their 15 year old, Sydney, shared various stories of things that had previously happened  as she was 'playing' with her 7 year old cousin Reagan who was sitting next to me smiling and listening intently at every word Syd said. I felt Val intertwine his fingers with mine and gently rub his thumb over mine. 

Seeing everyone smiling and laughing together reminds me that I don't need to be with my blood related relatives to be with my family. My family is right here with me every step of the tour and with them, Holiday's on tour don't feel as empty as they once may have.

A/N: Hey! So enjoy this quick and simple little prompt! I just wanna quickly say how thankful I am for each and everyone of you! You have all honestly changed my life for the better and I would not be who I am today without any of you! I love you all beyond words and I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving! ~Tegan

 dance10hallie MickeySlater SharnaSlays dwtslovlies sytycdancewts sytxdwts anna5005

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