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"Mama! Mama!" the young brunette shouted running into the kitchen where her mother had been beginning to prepare dinner for their family. The mother laughed at her daughter's excitement "yes beautiful?" The mother and daughter looked almost identical to one another. Both having chestnut brown hair and blue eyes that you could get lost in forever. The young girl climbed to sit on the counter "mama!" she said holding her mothers face in her hands mimicking what adults tend to do to young children "there is a new kid next door! And guess what?" The mother again laughed the 7 year old's excitement "what could it be?" she said trying to 'guess' just making her daughter more eager to tell her. "It's a boy!" the litter girl exclaimed throwing her arms in the air in excitement. The mothers laughter continued "well maybe you should go meet this boy and maybe even" the mother gasped in a joking and whispered in the little girls ear "become friends". This idea excited the brunette as she leaped down from the counter "I'll be back soon mama!" she shouted before leaving the house.

The brunette ran out the door and down her front steps eager to meet the new boy who had moved next door. As she reached the steps to the house of her new neighbor she ran up and rang the doorbell without hesitation. Moments later, a young boy no older than 9 opened the door and smiled. The young girl smiled at him "hi! I'm your new neighbor! I live in that house right there" she said pointing to the house that was directly next door. The boy smiled in relief "its nice to meet you! I just moved here from Seattle!" The girls eyes widened "Seattle?! That is so far!" Both children laughed simultaneously "I know! It was a super long drive!" The little girl smiled again "want me to show you around? There is a playground right up the street!" The boy nodded "yeah! That sounds fun!" Both kids ran down the step and down the semi empty street of their neighborhood.

Less than 5 minutes passed before they reached the playground. "Come on!" the little brunette said running towards the biggest playset. The young boy looked at the emptiness of the playground "why are there no other kids here?" he questioned as he followed the young girl. She shrugged "there aren't that many kids here. I mean there aren't really many people here". "No kids? No people?" the 9 year old asked as the two children reached the top of the playset and sat down. The brunette shook her head "nope, no kids! Well I mean there are Lindsay and Witney but they live across town so they don't come to this playground. And they're not really my best friends. Oh! And my best friend Jenna but she just moved to Iowa with her family so I won't see her for a while. And there is" the girl stopped talking for a split second "there was Hayley". The young girl looked down as she became quiet. The boy looked at her "w-what happened to Hayley?". The girl was quiet for a few moments deciding if she was going to tell the boy or not "s-s-she died". The boys eyes widened "oh. Well how did she die?" The little girl shrugged "mama says I'm too young to know right now. But she did say she would tell me when I'm older!" she reassured the boy "I really miss her. She was my best friend. She lived next door to me, just like you! Sometimes I wanna cry, but I know it wont change anything" she shrugged again. The boy listened intently before chiming in "well if you ever need to cry, I am always here! And I volunteer to be your new best friend!" The brunette laughed "deal, best friend!"

The two children kept their promise to be best friends, for as long as they could that is. Seeing that their was a two year age gap between them meant that there would come a day that the two would have to separate. Neither of them wanted to say goodbye on that August morning. The thought of being miles apart made them both sick to their stomachs. The part that made it even worse, was that not just one but both of them were leaving to go to opposite sides of the country. The girl was leaving for the most prestigious dance school located in New York City whereas the boy was leaving for Berkley in California. As much as they tried to keep in contact, everything became more complicated. Their schedules, the time zones, and just the fact that they were 16 and 18 years old. It wasn't till the following June when they would first see each other again.

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