ChApTeR sIx: I fEeL lIkE a MoNsTeR

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another relatively short chapter. i literally wrote this thing in one day. SO.FUCKING.EASY. the words just spewed the fuck forth like niagra falls (OHMYGOG WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME I AM TURNING INTO FUCKING KARKAT).

Anyways, happy fourth of july everybody! If you're reading this on the fourth of july, GET OFF YOUR SILLY ASS AND GO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY YOU BULGELICKER!!! I don't even know why I'm posting this chapter right now when I should be out with my family -.-

the picture is the best i could find of Makaera feeling like a monster (ugh why is humanstuck sobor psycho gamzee so hard to find? why does everyone make him all cute and happy and chill as fuck when they draw humanstuck gamzee??? the struggle is so fucking real)

ChApTeR sIx: I fEeL lIkE a MoNsTeR

The next few days passed in a blur for Makaera. The nights blurred into the days until he couldn’t tell which was real and which was a dream. He never forgot the nightmare he’d had two nights before, and that worried him more than anything else. Before, forgetting the nightmare just meant that he was the one in control of his own mind. Now that he could remember them, he worried that his grip on his mind wasn’t as strong as he had thought; that he was losing his grip.

He had the nightmares every night, and they were only getting worse. Makaera tried not to worry Vantera about it; he knew his best friend had other things to stress about, but Vantera took notice of Makaera increasing anxiety anyways.

He spent more and more time in their room, laying on the pile in the middle of the floor with Makaera. Vantera hardly ever left the room except to go to meetings, and even then he often used the memos on pesterchum to have meetings.

Makaera rarely went to the meetings anymore. Gamzee didn’t go all that often either. Makaera usually ended up hanging with him for a few hours, talking about their problems with the voices until their moirails got home. Vantera usually came back and told him all about the meetings anyways, so he didn’t really see the point.

That Friday, Makaera just sat at his desk, resting his head on his arms and staring blankly out the window at the sky. Gamzee had ended up going to the meeting with Vantera and Karkat.

Vantera hadn’t really liked the idea of leaving Makaera home alone, but he assured him that he’d be fine. He could message Vantera if he really needed anything.

A soft ping drew Makaera out of his thoughts. He glanced over at his laptop, which was sitting open on one side of the desk. The screen was alight with colors, and a blinking near the bottom alerted him that he had a message. With a sigh, Makaera opened up pesterchum to see who was pestering him, only to be met with a strange chumhandle. It seemed familiar, somehow. And Makaera couldn’t shake the feeling that he had seen the name before.

He decided to open the message and see what this person had to say. Maybe that would jog his memory as to where he had met this motherfucker before.

viciousSexy [VS] began trolling capriciousMiracles [CM]


CM: HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR!

CM: iF yOu DoNt MiNd Me AsKiNg...

CM: wHo ThE fUcK iS tHiS?

VS: i dont mind you aSking :o)

VS: my name iS Sanier darkle

VS: i believe vankat may have MOTHERFUCKING mentioned me in your laSt meeting

That helped jog Makaera’s memory some. He remembered the name and the memo where Vantera had told everyone about the mysterious troll. He hadn’t really been paying a whole lot of attention to what was all up and said though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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