Evil Bab, Belladonna

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She is by far my favorite OC, having her die will make me very sad.

Belladonna has many iterations, all of which she is evil in.
One is where she was born to a Clan as an un-honorable kit, casted out by her Clan on her sixth moon. Her mother died protecting her from a fox, she watched helplessly as her mother was ripped apart before her eyes.
Something in her mind snapped and she vowed revenge on the Clan that abandoned her. She was soon captured by Twolegs and placed in a place lined with cold boxes with silver bars, fed maybe once a week. She was adopted by a lonely Twoleg elder and taken home.
She escaped and made her way back to the forest her Clan dwelled in. She saw her sister, Mintybreeze and killed her. She dragged her body to their camp entrance and lived outside of their territory for moons. She attempted to turn her brother against his Clan to use him to help destroy them.
My other OC, Duskflame prevented this and she fled. She discovered the nearby Twolegplace and found a kittypet who looked a lot like her, killing the kittypet and taking its collar she disguised herself as a kittypet to recruit the kittypets and build an army against her old Clan.
She discovered a family of kittypets and now is planning to kill the parents and take the kits to raise as killers. She also made the acquaintance of a tom who seems to have taken a liking to her. Incapable of reciprocating truly, she plans to fake feelings toward him to make him another recruit.
Once she does, the brother of a promising she-kit will flee to the Clans for help.
He will join the Clan he finds first and cower from his parents' killer.
Anyway, -Skyrunner is the owner of this roleplay and I highly recommend joining this roleplay.
Just don't use this backstory as meta please, this isn't a surprise since in the roleplay I mentioned her plans as a vision.

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