♢; first date

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"mikey give it back!"

gerard screamed, chasing his brother around the first level of the way house.

"nope! not til you admit it!"

"im not fucking asking you mikey give it back!!" he fumed, jumping over the couch to strangle his annoying ass of a brother. "boys! language!" gerards mother called from the kitchen, still preparing dinner.

"that wasnt me that was gee!"

"well i wouldnt have said it if you gave me the damn brush back!"

mikey was trying his patience, but he just sat there smiling waving it in front of gerards face in a mocking way.

gerards mother, donna came out of the kitchen and placed her hands on her hips. "whats going on here?"

"mikey wont give me my paintbrush back. tell this little shit to not touch my stuff!" he whined like a child.

"you can have your brush back gee, but you have to admit it first!"

"no i—"

"admit what?"

"that gee likes frank!"

"no i dont! shut up mikey!"

"gerard!" donna snapped. "stop being rude to your brother."

"sorry mum." gerard whispered.

"now why does he have to admit that he likes someone?"

"because he does!—"

"because mikey," gerard hissed. "likes to be an ass and set me up with his friends!"

"because you like him!" mikey said.

"well gerard, do you?"

"maybe a little.. but i want my paint brush back!"

"then whats the big deal here?"

"mikey set me up on a date with frank later." gerards voice was barely above a whisper. "aww honey thats great!"

"no! not great! hes gonna be here soon!" gerard whined, burying his face in his hands. "so get get ready darling!"

gerard gave up, slumping towards the stairs, giving an evil glare to mikey.
gerard held out his hand, starung the boy dead in the eye as he smacked the paintbrush into gerards hand, smiling sweetly. "time to get ready, darling." mikey said, mocking his mothers voice.

gerard applied the last bit of eyeliner to his lower lash line, putting the cap on the pencil and gazing at himself in the mirror. he wore ripped black skinnies, with an iron maiden shirt and his black zip up hoodie. he laced up his black converse and finished his drawing.

"geeee! your boyfriends hereee!"

mikey teased from down the stairs causing gerard to roll his eyes and clean up the stack of papers.
he glanced at the time. 6pm, just a few hours with him, not that bad. gerard thought, composing himself before walking down the stairs.

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