Chapter 50

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Gigi's pov :

I woke up with a heavy feeling , Zayn was going to come at 10:00 today to meet Grace as her father .  I was scared both because of the  fact that Zayn was back in my life after all these years and because of the fact that how Grace was going to react about this new change in her life. For years grace had asked for her father on her birthdays and i had always brushed aside the question with some lame reasons but today when I could finally give her back what I took from her years ago , It didn't seem fine. How would Zayn explain Grace his long absences in her life? How would Grace cope up with this sudden change? It was nerve wracking . After mustering up great courage i took a scalding hot shower so that when i returned out of the shower my skin was red . I took out a simple white cotton that fell just above my knees . I applied some mascara and was just applying my lip gloss when the bell rang ! I took a deep breath and opened the door. Zayn stood there with a huge bouquet of roses . "Hey" Zayn said. "Hey! Come on in" I said inviting him in . He was just about too hand me the flowers when I stopped him "NO zayn ! You do not owe me anything and I won't take anything that you give me! I think I have had enough from you to last me a lifetime ! " I said moving aside so that he could walk in. "But i bought these for you " he said foolishly . "Well give them to grace then!"I said haughtily before stalking away! 

So guys ! Zigi broke up  and I'm back anyways just because Zigi broke up doesn't mean I won't be writing this book anymore Zigi will forever live in my heart and i'll always ship them while respecting their new relationships as long as they are happy ! I am happy!

 "As for the future whatever's meant to be will always be !"

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