Chapter 2 - The Chaos

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Bad Moon Rising - Mourning Ritual


Looking out on the sun setting in the distance, it was not hard to spot him, with his heated gaze locked in my direction, leaning back sexily on his Harley Davidson motorbike.

Since my father David, was a massive bike fan, the motorbike was instantly recognisable, having grown up surrounded by his memorabilia.

He remained strong and mysterious, with his leather jacket draped over his massive shoulders, dark sunnies across his eyes and a lit cigarette hanging from his perfectly plumped lips.

Feeling this week's, all too familiar ache and moisten of my lower region, I descended the steps and briskly walked to the bus stop. Pulling out my phone to text Mags - and hopefully snap a discrete picture of him, to show her that I was not, over exaggerating his Godlike appearance - I hear distinct padding falling into step, behind me.

"Taking the bus?" His masculine voice instantly sending chills up my spine as it vibrated straight through me, causing my nipples to harden. "I could take you home?"

Turning slowly around, I nervously swallowed, hoping I didn't have something on my face or in my teeth. I had endured enough embarrassing punishment in the short span since meeting him.

"Ah... it might be out of your way?" I managed as he pushed his sunnies to the top of his head, revealing those capturing greens. Our eyes magnetically connecting, sending sparks of lustful electricity between us while my heart beat furiously at the base of my throat.

"Please, after me messing up your library for days on end it's the least I could do." His smile was breathtaking, so bright, comforting and kind, disarming me of any resistance I pretended to have and well - let's face it - he was just sexy as fuck, how could I refuse?

"Okay, I just have to stop at the bottle shop on the way home, Mags asked me to pick up some booze, is that okay with you?" I enquired, nervously dragging my bottom lip through my teeth.

"Sure beautiful, the names Chase, by the way, you never actually asked." My heart now thumped ridiculously hard, like at any moment it would burst.

Warning myself internally - breathe, Aiya breathe.

"Aiya." I lifted my hand and he took it gently in his.

"I know," he smiled and he flipped my hand, kissing the back of it.

Meanwhile - in my head - fireworks were exploding, lighting my insides up, angels descended from heaven on beams of glorious bright light and a whole orchestra played beautiful music as the audience clapped enthusiastically and I extended my arms, turning slowly, accepting this remarkable moment.

Holy hell, how does he know my name?

Meanwhile - back in the land of reality - my knees were instantly weak. I shuffled toward his bike in a pathetic attempt at being sexy while swaying my hips. Slapping my forehead, I thought to myself, clowns can be sexier than you Aiya, whatever you do? Do not fall over.

Thankfully, I made it and flung my legs over to rest either side of the seat. He adjusted the straps on my helmet, fastening it under my chin, while I stayed frozen. His enchanting greens holding my gaze as we stared - lost in a trance of one another - that single hypnotic moment was the sexiest look of my entire life. It flushed my face and the tips of my ears, flooding my already hot and bothered body with extra carnal heat.

Carlos enters Bosses office.

"He's taken fancy in a girl boss, but he's mapped out everything perfectly," Carlos hands over the scrolls.

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