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Hi, we're back!!! This is gonna be a four part pirate au story with enemies to lovers story trope!!! Next chapter will hopefully be out soon
Thanks for reading, comments and kudos are always appreciated!!!

edited: 7/7/24


Crystal blue.

The child was born without a sound.

Not a scream, not a cry, not an audible breath.

At first, his parents didn't think anything of it; they were too overcome with joy. They waited as the doctor cleaned up the child, excitement clouding reason. Mieczyslaw, they decided the name would be, meaning glory. Shortened, the name would be Stiles.

But when the doctor turned around they realized something was wrong. Their baby, their Stiles, was completely silent. Immediately, the worst case scenario filled the parents' thoughts.

Dead, their child was stillborn.

The doctor had shaken his head to contradict them. Stiles was very much alive. His heart was beating, and his lungs were taking air in and out. He was just calm. Calm as the eye of a hurricane. The mother and father reached for their child, needing to hold him in their arms.

Their hearts pounded with unease despite the doctor's reassurances.

Stiles was going to be okay. He had to be. But as the minutes ticked by, and Stiles lay silent, doubt creeped further and further into their minds. They were about to lose hope when it happened.

The storm hit.

The child's eyes opened, and the room was encompassed in blue. Everything around the little family faded away as Stiles took over. No one could have looked away if they wanted to.

Stiles's father would later say that his eyes had been as deep and dark as the ocean. He insisted that if you looked close enough you could see Odysseus's ship fail on the violent waves and crash apart on the rocky shore of Calypso's island.

Stiles's mother said his eyes were that of crystals. They were as clear and crisp as the moving glaciers in the arctic - overturning to reveal a deep, ancient magic that lay underneath.

Both parents would later come to understand that they were both wrong, and they were both right.

They watched, transfixed as the blue in their child's eyes glowed brighter and brighter, practically blinding them before coming to a sudden halt.

Stiles started to cry.

The parents startled, coming out of a trance like state. The mother immediately tuned into her son's distress, and started rocking the child softly while cooing. The father wrapped his arms around both wife and son, providing a sturdy foundation for both to lean against.

Their child's tears provoked their own. The stress and anxiety they had felt slipped away from them with each drop. They cried tears of joy, tears of pain, and tears of sadness - and as they cried so did their son.

As Stiles cried, the parents noticed something strange.

The blue, that magnificent blue that was their child's eye color, was seeping out of his irises with every tear. The salted water wanted to return to the ocean once more. When the boy blinked away the last of his distress, the blue had vanished. For a moment, his eyes flashed red, but even that faded.

The next time Stiles blinked, his eyes were a honey brown.



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