Chapter 2

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Just then Salor sat down next to me.

"Sydney here, Jake here, Nathan here, Seth here, Talisha here," Miss. Eve continued. Darn it.

"Hi! I'm Salor! I'm new here... I came from Montana." Salor said enthusiastically. "Well, welcome to Virginia," I replied
"Soooooo,what class do you have next? I have the extended math class next. In Mrs. Mertha's class." Salor explained.

"Yes and no, I do have math next but I go to the normal class." Ok so I'm not the smartest person in the world. This girl was.

"Hey Lenny! Nice seeing you!" Ben said. "Oh! Hi! Hi! Wait, did is say that twice? Um... how was your Summer?" I said embarrassing myself. Ben just laughed my stupid statement away. Just then Lizzie shot me the evil eye. What had Amber done to her?

I decided to be nice and give her my best friendly intro. "Hi Lizzie," I said with a smile, "How was your summer?" I added. "Fun," she said. Really? Just one word? Plus, I'm pretty sure she said that because Ben was here. 

"Ok class, settle down.Welcome to science class! Today..." Mrs. Eve continued as I started into a day dream...

I soon realized that people were writing on posters on the wall. Amber walked over and said that we need to answer the questions on the posters. I grabbed a pen and went over to a pink poster that asked what was your favorite element from the periodic table of elements. I chose Titanium because I love the song. Surprise, surprise  Amber chose gold.

Seth came over and said,"Hey Lenny! Can you give me your opinion on this?" He was at a poster that said what is your least favorite thing about school. "Oh that's easy. The food," I joked.

"I was debating between substitutes or unreasonable amount of homework." he explained. "No, it's obviously saying a joke no one laughs at.

The whole time we just joked about all the things to hate about school. Besides that one time Ben was on the poster that asked what subject he liked the best in science. He said space like everyone knew he would say. Well, the point is he said a bunch of boring facts about the ISS.

When I went to see what Salor was doing ( and also admiring her neat handwriting), she said,"Oh wait, Lenny, they messed up my schedule. I actually go to the normal math class with you." "Ok.." But why did it change to my class. Was she following me?

Hey kidzzzzzz! That's the end of the chapter! Stay tuned to read what happens next as Lenny gets suspicious on what Salor is up to.

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