And with one last swat on her âss, Jack headed back to look for Stacy, Amber and John.

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Jack got back to his new bungalow and was actually shocked not to find anyone in the midst of some kinky form of sêx.  John was napping and Stacy and Amber were spooning – Amber with her hands comfortable holding Stacy’s tits.

The girls sat up with big smiles and asked if he had enjoyed his time with Maggie (apparently even among the free spirits of SHE Island, Maggie had quite the reputation).

“Let’s just say it was interesting,” Jack answered, dropping into a chair and resting his feet on the edge of the bed.

Amber leaned over and began massaging his feet, which felt wonderful.

“So tell me about SHE,” he began, “I had an experience today unlike any other and I have to admit, it was like kinky sêx in the Twilight Zone.”

Jack put on his best Rod Serling impression, “Submitted for your approval, a frustrated housewife who jumps the bones of her teenage gardener for an afternoon of unbridled, unprotected sêx while her pencil dîck husband is at work.”

Amber and Stacy were doubled over with laughter, but eventually got around to Jack’s question.

Amber began, “To be honest, we don’t actually know very much about SHE.  In fact, we’re not 100% sure SHE is a she.”

“She obviously has supernatural power, unlimited resources and an unquenchable appetite for sêxual energy,” Stacy continued.  “She simultaneously feeds off of and ignites passion; delving into the deepest, often most depraved reaches of our sêxuality.”

“And by allowing us to explore and quench or resolve those desires, SHE provides almost a form of sêxual counseling,” Amber jumped back in.  “Somehow she interacts with each of us individually and yet simultaneously.  She morphs into various forms and taps into parts of our minds that we may not even recall or recognize.”

“So my advice is just enjoy the ride,” concluded Stacy.  “The few people I have known on the island who have fought the situation have not lasted long.”

“I agree.  Now, enough of this serious talk,” said Amber.  “I don’t know about you girl, but I haven’t had a chance to enjoy some hot boyxboy action in quite a while, and I think John has slept quite long enough.”

With that said, she pushed Jack’s feet off the bed, pulled him to her and started sucking his cõck.

“Don’t get overly excited tiger; I’m just your fluffer.”

Once she had Jack nice and hard, she said, “Now go rub that beautiful cõck between John’s butt cheeks while we enjoy the show.”

Two days ago the idea of cuddling with another guy would never have occurred to Jack, but now he didn’t give it a second thought he got into a spooning position with John; Jack’s hard cõck nestling nicely between his firm butt cheeks.

“I’ve always wanted to see John get fŭcked by another guy, but never had the chance,” Amber said.

“Didn’t he get fŭcked in the âss during his initiation?” Jack asked.

“Oh no, everyone’s initiation is different,” Amber answered, “John’s was a four hour glory hole.  I’ve never seen someone suck so much cõck and eat so much pŭssy in my life!”

“Ah, so what do you want me to do now,” asked Jack.

“Maybe the easiest thing is to simply do what I do.”  With that, Amber took a similar position behind Jack.  But first, Amber had put on a strap-on dildo very much the same size as Jack’s cõck.

As she began to rub her dildo up and down Jack’s âss, Jack mimicked the same action on John’s butt.  So far, John still seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Wanting to pick up the action, Amber reached around and grabbed Jack’s cõck and began stroking it.  And so Jack did the same to John, taking his limp cõck in his hand and mâssaging it, feeling it come to life.

As John got harder, so did Jack.  Amber reached for the bottle of lube on the night table and applied a healthy dose to her strap-on.  She then handed the bottle to Jack and he lubed his own cõck the same way.

Having been fŭcked by so many guys in the last few days, Jack knew exactly what was coming next, but he suspected John, who was finally rousing from his sleep, was in for a surprise.

As Jack felt his well-used âss being penetrated by the strap-on, Jack moved the head of his cõck to the virgin pucker between John’s cheeks.  He felt John tense, but Jack held him tight as he continued to jerk John’s now fully erect dîck.

Thanks to plenty of lube, the head of Jack’s dîck entered John’s anus with surprising ease.  Almost simultaneously, John and Amber both gasp.  John, because he was being fŭcked by a man for the first time, Amber because the sight of her husband being butt fŭcked was the fulfillment of a long-awaited fantasy.

The three of them begin moving in unison.  The dildo and Jack’s cõck both going deeper with each thrust.  Within just a few thrusts, John’s dîck exploded … clearly he was enjoying being Jack’s butt buddy.  Amber picked up the pace and Jack followed along.  It wasn’t long before Jack felt his balls clench and he spewed a load of hot cream deep into John’s man pŭssy.  The pressure of the strap-on rubbing on her clit, combined with seeing her hubby getting fŭcked, sent Amber over the top too.  The three of them collapsed in a heap as Stacy enthusiastically clapped her hands with approval.

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