Toshiro X OC_1

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"A hollow turned into an arrancar are seen as gods in the hollow realm, but to soul reapers they are no more than a pest or stain on the universe that needs to be cleansed

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"A hollow turned into an arrancar are seen as gods in the hollow realm, but to soul reapers they are no more than a pest or stain on the universe that needs to be cleansed." Grimmjow explains. "so we're to capture the captain that is sent to receive the distress beacon."

Holly nods and ducks into a bush. "what makes you think the soul reapers will be here?"

Grimmjow ducks into the bush as well and smirks as he peers down the road. "oh don't worry they will be here."

She's about to ask again when a doorway opens up and a small squad of soul reapers walks through.

"spread out." The small boy says waving his arm out. "we don't know what to expect so be on guard."

"is this a joke?" Holly huffs watching the soul reapers spread out. "they all listen to that little kid?"

"that little kid is a captain." Grimmjow smirks. "number 10. Stay here rookie and watch how a espada takes down its prey." He pulls his sword and releases quickly into his resurrection form.

The release of his spirit pressure draws the attention of the soul reapers, and one by one they fall.

"reign over the frosted heavens." The boy draws his zanpakuto.

"oh no you don't!" Holly leaps from the bushes and onto Toshiro knocking him down causing his sword to slide across the ground. "you better not hurt master grimmjow." She growls.

"another arrancar." Toshiro grumbles struggling under Holly. "get off me!"

Holly turns to look at Grimmjow who has finished with the rest of the squad. "Master."

"Holly, nice catch." Grimmjow chuckles. He sticks his sword in the ground next to Toshiro. "I guess that means we've accomplished our mission." He moves toshiro's face to the side. "I'm almost certain this was the one aizen wanted."

Toshiro's eyes get really big at the mention of aizen. "what?"

"Master." Holly stands up and holds toshiro so that Grimmjow can tie his wrists and body. "why did Aizen want this one?"

"because he's a captain." Grimmjow replies looking around. "where did his zanpakuto go?"

"right here." Holly smiles holding up Toshiro's zanpakuto.

"good don't lose it." Grimmjow nods. "aizen is gone for a few days but since we've got toshi I think we can call it mission complete. Let's go home."

"yes sir." Holly drags Toshiro into the Garganta.

Once they arrive at Los noches Grimmjow puts his arms behind his head. "I'm going to go relax. You're in charge of the captive. Think you can handle it?"

"of course." Holly smiles. "you take all the time you need."

"there's a good girl." Grimmjow chuckles. "I'll catch you up laterz." He flashes away.

"I demand you release me at once." Toshiro growls.

"well I can't do that." Holly replies. "but come with me and we can go to my secret place."

"do I have a choice!?" Toshiro grumbles.

"nope!" Holly giggles and leads the tied up Toshiro to the heart of Los Noches.

She goes through a door marked with a symbol of a leaf. When they enter the room Toshiro sees what Is a beautiful garden with a quiet pond.

"what?" he questions looking around. "why is something like this in a place like this?"

"you mean the peace garden?" Holly smiles. "I'm not sure. I've never seen anybody come in here." She walks over to the wall and opens it placing Toshiro's Zanpakuto in the compartment. She closes and locks the safety door. "I discovered it my third day here in Los Noches. I was being chased by Szayel as he attempted to dissect me so he could experiment on me. I hid in here and nobody came to find me."

"so nobody else knows about this place?" Toshiro questions. "is that why you brought me here?"

Holly holds up a silver bracelet. "You're about to lose your freedom." She frowns a bit. "I thought you might want to spend you last moments... free." She pulls out a small blade and cuts the rope around toshiro. She then places the bracelet on his wrist.

Toshiro rubs both of his wrist as they have rope burn. "thanks I guess." He frowns. "what does aizen want with me?"

"he wants to turn soul reapers into Hollows." Holly replies. "turning them into arrancar he would be able to use their zanpakuto."

"so what he's after... is strong zanpakuto?" Toshiro scowls. "but I don't want to be a freak."

Holly sighs. "I know how you feel. I didn't want to be this either." She looks at her small blade. "I don't have a zanpakuto. Not yet anyways. I'm still just in training."

"your still really new to this whole Arrancar business?" he questions.

She nods. "yeah I'm going on week two." She grabs his hand and pulls him over to the pond. "even though my reflection has changed I'm still kind of normal. I'm still me on the inside."

Toshiro looks at his reflection in the pond. "but your reflection has a mask... mine doesn't."

"it didn't always have a mask." Holly replies reaching out to touch the water. "I use to be a member of squad six. Now I'm just a token bunny for the espada." She sighs. "I miss those days."

"bunny?" Toshiro raises an eyebrow.

"yeah." she nods. "Bunny."

Toshiro looks at the water and imagines half of a hollow mask on his face then he growls and ripples the water so he can't see his reflection anymore. "I don't want this."

"I know how you feel." She smiles a little. "and I'm sorry but it's my duty to watch you."

"If you are indeed the same person under this mask. Then prove your loyalty to the soul society by helping me escape." He demands. "you can't honestly tell me your different than any of the other arrancar if you blindly do everything they say."

"your right." Holly frowns. "but you know if I help you then I'll be condemned by aizen and probably used as target practice by the espada."

Toshiro frowns. "well I wouldn't want you to die because of me..." he thinks for a moment. "why not come with me then?"

"I'm a monster." Holly whines looking at her reflection. "do you really think they'd let somebody like me into the soul society?"

"no your right." Toshiro sits on the ground next to the pond. "they probably wouldn't." he looks at his reflection again. "tell me you don't want me to become a monster too."

"I don't." Holly looks at the reflections. "I'm just playing a part. I can offer you freedom here until Aizen calls for you... but I can't help you escape."

"you really are different then the espada." Toshiro smiles a bit. "they don't seem very good at listening."

"oh they don't." Holly nods. "they don't listen at all." She stands up. "let's do something fun."

"alright what'd you have in mind?" he asks.

She jumps into a tree and smirks. "this room is really big. We could leap around from tree to tree for a while and never hit a wall. It's like a forest."

"alright then." He follows her into the tree. "if I have no choice then I want to at least have some fun while I still can."

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