Shuhei Hisagi X OC 2 of 2

Start from the beginning

"wait where are you going!?" Kazeshini protests.

"squad four." Shuhei replies. "Do me a solid and drop Shiketsueki off at squad twelve so it can be repaired."

"you're not the boss of me!" Kazeshini growls and picks up the pieces of Shiketsueki anyways. "i'm doing it because i want to!"


Kazeshini meets back up with Shuhei in squad four medical treatment area. Sandra has still not woken up but is in stable condition now.

"What did captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi say?" Shuhei asks as his zanpakuto spirit jumps in through the window because he didn't want to be seen entering through the door.

"how the hell should i know!?" Kazeshini protests. "i left the zanpakuto like you said and then i came straight here. i don't understand why you insist on saving her. last time you met she attempted to kill you."

"because i think she's just lonely kazeshini." Shuhei mumble. "after all an ability like death and control... even the way she summons her blade with her own blood is terrifying... people like that don't have a lot of friends."

Kazeshini frowns and crosses his arms. "i see then you really think she's like us then? or rather you since i hate your guts."

"i do..." Shuhei frowns. "mislead by conception and tossed out even by central forty six... she was alone for who knows how long... and then to have the one thing that's suppose to always be your support turn you into a human sacrifice..."

"Shiketsueki?" Kazeshini raises his eyebrow. "your saying you feel bad because her zanpakuto nearly killed her and was using her like a puppet?"

"yes..." Shuhei nods. "normally i wouldn't care... i'd have turned her in... i'd have defeated or even killed my opponent... but something just won't let me rid myself of this person."

"I really will never understand why you go out of your way to help people who are beneath you." Kazeshini smirks. "i see how it is. i'll get out of your hair then." he goes back to the window. "next time soul reaper we will fight for real." 'can't tell him that i think the same way because then he'd know that i know he likes her. i'm not sure why he just does.'

"alright." Shuhei nods. "cya i guess."

Kazeshini nods and rolls his eyes. 'i'll never understand why that guy always wants to help people he doesn't know.' he leaps out the window and disappears.


Shuhei is sitting in a comfy chair slumped back with his balled up fist on his cheek. "i probably should have told somebody what i was doing. i've been gone too long i bet people are beginning to worry." he wonders.

"ug..." Sandra grumbles.

"Sandra." Shuhei sits up and looks at sandra who still has her eyes closed.

"sh-shuhei?" she grumbles and opens her eyes slightly. then her eyes open wide and she sits up and looks around. "what!? wait where is Shiketsueki!?"

Shuhei smiles a tiny bit. "Your zanpakuto is being repaired. i sort of broke it. i'm sorry but it's the only way to fix them." he stands up. "how do you feel?"

Sandra looks at her hands and frowns. "i'm all cut up... like i was summoning my zanpakuto... but i don't remember anything after..." she looks around quickly again. "my zanpakuto Shiketsueki came to life and i was fighting with it." she looks at her shoulder. "i got cut... and then everything went dark."

"Yeah Shiketsueki was using you like a personal puppet. It had you completely shut off and was just using your blood to release it's shikai. it would have had to be your blood because it was all bones so i guess that means it can't bleed." Shuhei frowns. "it didn't seem to care about anything else really it just really wanted me dead."

"thats right." Sandra stands up. "because you're the first person i've ever let go." she frowns. "normally without hesitation i would cut down any soul reaper that wondered into my place, but when i saw your zanpakuto i thought... maybe we're the same. when Shiketsueki became real he confronted me about why i hadn't killed you. it was like my head was clear for the first time in years... i could finally remember my purpose." she clenches her fists. "the whole time... i thought i had power but really it was manipulating me all along."

"well the point is it's gone now. right?" shuhei frowns. "how could a sweet little girl like you make something so horrible."

"Shiketsueki was never mine to begin with." Sandra frowns. "it was given to me... i don't remember the young man's name. Marimo? yeah i think marimo sounds right..."

"when did this happen?!" Shuhei asks astounded.

"oh about hundred years ago... i told you i was alone for awhile." Sandra frowns. "the power was what caused central forty six to abandon me... i thought it was because they believed i was to strong because that's what Shiketsueki had told me... foolishly i believed him and was only dragged deeper into the darkness..."

Shuhei pulls her into a one arm hug. "i'm sorry that happened to you... if you like i can have mayori discard Shiketsueki for you."

"but without a zanpakuto i can't be a soul reaper..." Sandra frowns. "that's all i ever wanted."

"we'll get you one then. until then i think you can still come train with me." Shuhei smirks a bit. "As acting commander and lieutenant of squad nine i would be honored to welcome you to squad nine."

-later- (after obtaining a zanpakuto that does not have a name, and through the recommendation of Shuhei hisagi, Sandra was able to join Squad nine. she has a zanpakuto that doesn't currently have any abilities as she is still trying to learn it's name.)

"How do you feel now?" Shuhei asks.

"better." Sandra smiles a bit. "it's been so long since i've been among people. My head feels much lighter too without the constant pressure of Shiketsueki whispering lies into my ears."

"i had a feeling it was something like that." Shuhei remarks as the two walk aimlessly around the squad nine barracks. "you're not much different then Koga that way. in the end though muramasa realized his master had never seen him as more than a tool."

"mura...masa?" Sandra's eyes grow wider. "MURAMASA! that's the name of the guy that gave me that zanpakuto!"

"really?" Shuhei puts his hand on his chin. "perhaps that's a zanpakuto he couldn't control... since it needs blood to wield. It was probably part of his plan to use you to keep that zanpakuto in his control but somehow it backfired since he never bothered to show up to try to fight us."

"probably." Sandra frowns. "i'm glad i don't need to use that zanpakuto anymore."

"You're not busy tonight are you?" Shuhei asks having not really been paying attention to the last thing she said.

"um... no i don't think so. why?" Sandra replies.

"oh it's just... as lieutenant i have all this paperwork i need to do. i wondered if you might help me since you aren't busy." Shuhei replies.

"sure." Sandra smiles and follows Shuhei to the office.

"listen i know its probably strange to you that i've done all these things for you." Shuhei mumbles while pausing after finishing a paper. "it kind of confused me at first too. but now i'm just kind of glad i did."

"i'm nobody special. You could have just killed me." Sandra frowns.

shuhei smirks slightly. "yes i supposethat's true but then i wouldn't have been able to see your cute smile. The youthat i met before is completely unreal compared to the you i know now. i am very glad i decided to let you stay."

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