Chapter 12: Heavy Reunion

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Only five minutes pass after Rey gave me the update when both she and the Wookie pilot start to land the Falcon in an open area of the landing zone. As they do so, I delicately peel the blanket off of the still unconscious Finn and throw it to one side, conveniently landing it on a table. I step out of the way to allow Chewie to swiftly but carefully pick the ex-Stormtrooper off the medical bed and carry him down the ramp to the already assembled medical team below. The other Force Sensitive girl and I follow closely behind to find literally everyone surrounding the space; most of them cheering in celebration for our small-living victory and some staying silent.

As Chewbacca and the crowd of every personnel assigned to D'Qar Base moves away, pretty much following the medical vehicle until it gets to the Medical Bunker, General Leia Organa herself comes up to Rey and I, heartache clear in her eyes.

She knows about it....

Rey and I move towards her before the three of us embrace each other. All three of us, Force Sensitives and untrained at that, can sense each other's grieves through the stillness around us. It's a lot to bear, the distraught feeling that entombs our hearts, the bitter-sweet victory that came at a terrible cost: Han's life. But, half-likely unbeknownst to the other in this hug, also the sanity of my emotions.

After the eternal minute, all three of us pull apart and look each other in the eyes before the General informs me "Poe is probably looking for you, Claudia."

My spirit lifts a bit at the mention of Poe and, from the sound of her words, the fact that he's still alive. Containing the small spark of excitement, I bow my head in appreciation of the information before trotting in the direction of the still rowdy friends and allies. My eyes scan for the distinct form of my older brother, my only family, until our eyes make contact at a few metres of distance.

All thoughts sap from mind. Mixed feelings about Kylo Ren, the First Order, Han Solo's death, the bitter-sweet win, the thought of losing Poe. All of it replaced by pure relief at the sight of my one and only living family member; and I can tell from his expression that he's feeling the exact same way. We sprint to each other, no hesitation and no worries. We land in each other's arms, pulling each other in tight and close.

I find myself burying my face deep into Poe's chest and clutching at his clothing as I start shaking with small sobs. Everything comes back to me. Mixed feelings about Kylo Ren, the First Order, Han Solo's death, the bitter-sweet win, the thought of losing Poe. All of it a thunderous wave flooding back into my thoughts. I feel the brotherly grip from Poe tighten a little more, soothingly. I sense his curiosity of what's upsetting me but at the same time not wanting to ask as he's guessing it's something to do with recent events.

It's a lot more to it than that....unfortunately....

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