NAJ!Ink x Student!Shy!Reader

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Reader is in their late teens, so around 18 years old.

For @Fallinangel01

(Ink's POV)
I haven't been getting much sleep, I've been having these dreams about a girl, her face is all blurry though.

Students flooded the room, none of the students noticed the bags under my eyes, not even all of my fans, aka. Most of my female students. I began explaining about shading and shadows, angles and so on. Time went fast, I was really tired and paused some times, still no one looks like they noticed it.

 Time went fast, I was really tired and paused some times, still no one looks like they noticed it

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„That was all for today! Class dismissed!" I smiled, the girls giggled, some even winked at me. A female student went up to me, blushing violently and slightly sweating.
„Uhm... A-are y-y-you ok?" She looked shyly up at me, I smiled at her.
„Yeah, I've just been having some dreams lately." Her (h/l) (h/c) bobbed a little when she looked at me.

She grabbed the edges of her sleeves and began fidgeting with them. „W-wanna... T-t... Talk about it?" Her (e/c) eyes looked at me, damn adorable. I've never noticed her before, she looked at me with concern.

„Yeah, that sounds nice." Her nervous smile seemed to ease up a bit, she sat on a desk and I sat on mine.
„I've been having these weird dreams for a long time, it's a girl. Her face is all blurry and sometimes I can't seem but think about her all the time. And i forget to sleep, you're the first person that have noticed" She looked at me cautiously, like she could get detention for a single wrong stare.

„You know what, I do feel better!" She nodded and packed her stuff. „M-Maybe consider d-drinking some coffee? A-and I-I'm glad I-I c-could h-help." She held her stuff close to her chest and bowed, and ran out.

„What a sweet girl."

((Y/n) POV)
I actually talked to him, my heart may explode. I've had a crush on my teacher for the longest time, not the sexual way, just a cuddly kinda way. Giving me butterflies, and I helped him today. I smiled running over to my locker, putting my stuff away.

The last bell rang and I ran out of the school as soon as I had gathered my stuff. I hurried home „I'm home!" My mom came running down the stairs. "Have you had a good day honey?" I nodded and had a goofy smile on. "What happened honey? You never smile that much!" She laughed, giving me a side hug, dragging me over to our couch.

"Mr. Ink noticed me!" I smiled, my mom knew all about my crush, for her age didn't matter, he was only 23 so it was fine for her. "Great honey! I have to go bake some cookies, dad comes home at 7PM." I nodded smiling, I told her I would go to the park. She gave me a loaf of bread, I took my (footwear) on and ran to the park.

I sat down at the edge of the pond, feeding the ducklings.

(Inks POV)
I took a walk to the park, I know who the girl from my dream is, I was so blind. The hair, the body, her voice. Of course it was her!
I needed a breather, when I stopped, seeing my student and the love of my life, feeding the ducklings and their mother. My heart beat so fast, a blush spreading onto my cheeks, such a sweet soul.

 My heart beat so fast, a blush spreading onto my cheeks, such a sweet soul

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A week had gone by, my heart was beating so fast. I had requested (y/n) (l/n) to come and talk, she thought it was about her grades.
She knocked, I yelled a 'come in'. She poked her head in, she walked in front of my desk. I stood up and closed the door, walking in front of her.

„Everyday I tell myself: "I'll do it tomorrow" B-but I just can't do it anymore, I want to seal our love once and for all!" I clenched my fist, building up my bravery. „(L/n). Will you be my girlfriend?" Tears was in the corner in her eyes, she nodded and said 'yes'. I knew it was illegal but, I can't do it anymore.

"I-ink?" I hummed, smiling.

„May I kiss you?"

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