That Damn Baby Sitter - Ianthony

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New story hope you like it!!!!!!

Ian nervously walked to the front door of his babysitting job and knocked waiting for a answer.

"What do you want?" Someone yelled from the other side of the door, causing Ian to back up slightly not sure if he was at the right house or not.

"I'm here to baby sit for the Padilla's?" Ian read off the paper shyly and then a boy about 16 or 17 opened the door with a grumble.

"So you're the person watching me?" The boy asked in a snarky tone, looking up from his phone for only a second.

"Aren't you a little old to have a baby sitter?" Ian snickered at the boy. Anthony looked up, giving him a death glare and reluctantly opened the door wider.

"Yeah they don't trust me, Mr.Bowl hair. I'm Anthony." Anthony rolled his eyes as Ian walked in and looked around curiously.

"Actually my names Ian, Anthony." Ian blushed slightly when he saw the teenager looking him up and down with a smirk.

"I like calling you Mr.Bowl hair but I guess I could call you Ian." Anthony sighed dramatically and plopped down on the couch, desperate to play on his phone again.

"So why don't you're parents trust you?" Ian asked out of curiosity and sat his things down near the stairs.

"They say I sleep around and party too much." Anthony rolled his eyes not looking up from his phone because he was playing flappy bird.

"But you're like 16." Ian mumbled with a concerned look as Anthony looked up from his game with a snicker.

"You can actually not be a virgin at a young age. It's called losing you're virginity. You should try it. You reak of virgin." Anthony said in a slightly icy tone.

"I'm not a virgin and I just meant you're really young." Ian whimpered with a blush and looked away from the wild teen.

"Whatever Mr.Virgin baby sitter." Anthony snickered as he beat his high score on flappy bird and Ian glared at him.

"Shut up!" Ian whined at Anthony who burst into laughter and put down his phone, looking up at Ian with a smirk.

"How old are you?" Anthony asked as he flipped his hair with a cute smirk.

"I'm 23." Ian told him wondering why Anthony wanted to know his age.

"Oh we're going to have some fun." Anthony grinned evily as he grabbed his phone and ran out of the room , leaving a very confused Ian behind.

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