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I watch you as I always do
I could alway see the clue you gave, that I knew
I felt like my heart would break in two
I felt like my happiness was long due

When I heard that you gotten a flu
the responsibility I threw so I could see you
I remember I made you a failed stew
Yet you still ate it but I knew

It possible that you knew
Yet you still smiled and said "it was delicious"
I know I probably shouldn't get into
Well, Aren't you pernicious?

The next day, it continue
I thought I could die
Because long day full of issue
When I look at you my issue all fly high

I sighed I knew that you love him
I mean look at all the clue
I felt like a fish learning how to swim
When you talk me, I would replied to shoo

I know your happy to be with him
My life turn to grim and dim
I tried to walk away saying to not look back
Yet I still did even if I told myself not to and just my luck

You were happy with him, singing a beautiful hymn
I really miss the rim, so I thought how about a trim
I really wanted to smile but I thought that would just be suicidal
Am the idiot of an idol, and that is final

Now I walk away saying that it would be fine
To the world full of madness and poison that I dine
I know it isn't my job to keep watching, calling
I felt like I was mocking myself to all this dodging

I was regretful that I can't stay in your side
To your darkest hour of the timeline
I walked to the entrance there I died
I felt that the whole world became timeless

"I like you"

You said the word I want to say
My life turn suddenly gray
I want those feeling for me only
Why did my world turn so lonely?

I just casually walk away
Even if my mind was astray
I really thought you were mine
But that's's fine

Am fine

Why life so weird?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя