{1} First Date

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Word Count: 924.

Tweek's P.O

I can't believe it. This was impossible. The love of my life, actually liking me back.

But I didn't doubt it. I trust Craig.

He held my hands after confessing to me. We just stared at each other. Time went slow for us.

He broke silence and gave a smaller but noticing blush.

"So, I was thinking. It's Sunday."

"I'm aware!" I giggled.


"Yes, Craig?"

"Will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"

Did you even have to ask?

I pulled him into me, giving him a quick but lasting peck on the lips.

"I would love to!"

• • •

Before the date, Craig went back home. He said he would be back in about an hour, and told me to dress nice. Unfortunately, I had no idea how to.

I think I looked in my closet for an hour just trying to find an unwrinkled shirt and some clean jeans. I went to the mirror in the bathroom and tried to fix my hair a bit. But that's impossible. Everytime I put gel on my strands, they would still pop up, so I gave up and went downstairs.

"Darling, where are you headed? Why are you dressed... Decently? What's going on?!"

"Mom! Calm down, I'm just gonna hang out with Craig again."

"Oh. Alright! For a second there, I thought you were going on a date!"

"Ha.Ha.Ha. Yeah... A date." This is awkward.

I technically didn't lie.

Before I could feel any sort of guilt, there was a knock on the door.


"See ya later, mom!"

"Be careful, dear!"

With that I rushed out, to once again lay eyes upon Craig Tucker. He pulled me into a tight embrace as the door behind us closed.

"Damn, Tweek you look super gay."

"Agh! Do I?! Will my parents find out?! Too much pressure!" Craig kissed my forehead before I had seizure.

"Calm down, I was just trying to say you look good." He smiled. My heart fluttered.

"T- Thanks, Craig. You look good too."

He held out his hand and smirked at me.

"Shall we go off then?"


On the way there I was way too happy. I could feel myself lightly skipping as we walked.

"Craig, where are we going?"

"We are going nowhere, but that place means a lot to me."

I raised and eyebrow and smiled then I took hold of his arm. Wherever we were headed, I knew it was going to be special.

• • •

When we arrived I couldn't believe my eyes.

Craig smirked. "Sorry I took so long on picking you up, but I needed time to set everything up."

I glanced at each and every place. The scenery of the place was already beautiful. But what took my breath away, was Craig's effort to make an attempt of a fancy dinner. A table for two was set up and a white, restaurant cover was over it. A burning candle sat in the middle with two plates on the sides.

He's so cheesy.

"So. Um. What do you think?" Craig scratched the back of his head while he looked to the side, embarrassed.

He's also very cute!

"It's perfect."

We sat at the table, and we ate. I was amazed on how little I had to say. Craig just rambled on about the things he liked and hated, but I didn't complain. I had never seen him smile or show emotion throughout certain topics. I'm completely honored to be the person he let's his guard down with and the person he loves.

"- so when Ruby smacked that girl in the face, I was sooooo happy." Craig ended his sentence with a small laugh. I couldn't quite remember what he said but he made me smile anyway.

"Geez, all this talk got me winded; this food got me full!" Craig signed and gave a big bright smile.

"Should we head back home then?" I asked him with a bit of disappointment in my tone.

"What are you talking about? I have something else planned!" My eyes widened.

"I want to spend more time with you, but I hope you don't find my activity 'boring'." He stood up from his chair. Before I could say anything he put his hand down towards me.

"Come on." I take his hand as he pulls me out of the chair.

I hadn't noticed the time. It was already dark but i didn't want to leave. I need to last every second I can with him. Took me long to realize Craig was dragging me up a decent sized hill.

Agh! What if I fall and roll off the Earth?!

I shook my head.

We kept walking up, holding hands, until we finally reached the top.

"Here we are!" Craig flopped onto the grass. "Come lay down beside me."

What is he thinking?

I was a tad bit confused by Craig's intentions but I trusted him. I obeyed and laid on the grass with him. He got closer to me and held my hand.

He looked at me with a sincere smile and pointed at the sky.

"Aren't they beautiful?" I turned to see what Craig was talking about and caught the glance of millions of stars. I awed in silence, taken away by the precious view.

"T- They are."

"They remind me of you."

"H- Huh?"

"I look at the stars. Then I look into your eyes, and I cannot tell the difference. Both shine and sparkle. I adore both and fall in love with them, all over again."

Hangover {CrEek}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ