Chapter 19 : "The Battle"

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Chapter 19 : “The Battle”

~Xavian’s POV~

“Xavian Darling, you have given me trouble by doing some major injuries to my pets. That only makes you more suitable to me alone.” She said.

“Let’s Reece.” I grabbed Reece by the hand and ran but was stopped by her shadows.

“Uh uh uh!” she said.

“You are not going anywhere.” She said.

I have no choice but to fight back. I froze her shadow that was wrapped at us.

“To the woods.” I said to Reece as I grab his hand again to the forest, actually to the lake. I just wish that the moon would come out.


And trees started to fall in front of us I made a shell of ice so that we won’t get squished. I look at Reece and he looks really scared. This is the reason why I don’t want to have a relationship with him. We reached the lake.

“Wear this and get in to the water.” Igave him a necklace.

“What I going on here? Who is she? Why is she after you? Who are you?” He said.

“I’ll explain later. Just put on the necklace, get in the water and no matter what happens don’t get out of the water.” I said to him.

~Reece’s POV~

“I’ll explain later. Just put on the necklace, get in the water and no matter what happens don’t get out of the water.” He said to me.

“I’ll protect you.” He said.

 I did what he said and got to the water while with the necklace. As I was in the water my skin was turning to water. And next thing I knew is that I’m in the water watching the person I love fighting some white chick in a black robe for his life. The love of my life getting beaten up. I can’t take this anymore. I was supposed to look after him. So without hesitation I stepped out of the water.

“Get away from him BITCH!” I said to her throwing rocks at her back. Xavian on the ground badly wounded and bloody.

“Reece, I-I-I to-told you to st-stay in the wa-water.” Xavian said weakly.

“I’m not gonna let you die Xavian. I’ll fight for you even if it means dying for you.” I said to him.

“FOOLS! YOU THINK LOVE CAN RESCUE YOU FROM THIS! FOOLS YOU ARE!” Tigress said with an evil laugh. She launched herself to tackle but something stopped her from doing that.

“Don’t you dare touch him.” Xavian said as he froze Tigress’ feet.

“Oh! You’re still alive.” She said to him.

“DON’T YOU EVER TOUCH HIM!” Xavian said and followed by a loud roar and the coming out of the moon behind the clouds. I watch Xavian as he change into a monster. His feet and hands became webbed claws that so sharp I think it can cut through anything. His skin turning blue and having scales and horns starts to appear at his head. A tail appeared also at his back. I looked at Tigress who was shivering in fear but didn’t show it to Xavian. Who is he? I mean what is he?

Xavian launched himself to attack Tigress with. Xavian was so fast. He punched Tigress with no mercy and sent her flying to the trees and with his speed he attacked her again before Tigress could get a grip on what was going on now. He punched her again and now sent her flying upward and then I saw Xavian flying with wings. What! Real wings? And sent Tigress crashing down to the ground.

“SOUL BREAKER!” Xavian shouted as he descended with a frosty claw heading towards Tigress and there was a scream followed by a big explosion.

As the smoke clears up, I saw Xavian, human again, fall to the ground and also saw dead Tigress at the ground and disappeared. I rushed to Xavian and lifted his head up.

“Xavian?” I said.

“Throw me in the water.” he demanded.

“What?” I said confused. He is badly wounded and bruised but he wants me to throw him in the water.

“Just put me in the water.” He demanded as he pull my shirt.

I hesitated at his demand and put him at the water.

He sunk in the water and resurfaced with a flawless and wound free skin. What! Is there something about the water?


This the 2nd last chapter of my book! 


Hyunni <3

My Boyfriend is a Dragon {BoyxBoy}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz