"But you married my son," she tried to make sense of her thoughts.

"No I am not married to your son," I said in a low tone.

"Okay," she replied and curled her self on the bed. I got up and left the room. Mr Ahmed warned me about talking to Madam Samia. If he finds out, I don't know what he'll do. I went back to the kitchen and saw Jane sitting, and cutting vegetables. I sat and helped her. Jane talked about how old she's getting, and has thought about retiring.

"If you ever do retire. I will miss you very much," I told her.

"Likewise. You are like the daughter I always wanted," she said and faintly smiled. Jane is a widow, her husband died a few years ago. Oh they were the cutest couple, he would always come pick her up during the weekends. They never had a child, but she wasn't bitter about it. She remained smiling and strong. I only wish I can do the same.

The door bell rang — I went to check on who it is. I opened the door, it's Adil? We look at each other, in complete silence as if somehow our eyes were doing the talking. He was staring, I looked away, my cheeks already flushed. I took steps away from him. I didn't know what to tell him. What could I say?

"Layla," he said my name.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"I am here to apologize... for lying to you. You didn't deserve that," he said in a sincere tone.

"That's all in the past, it's fine. I forgive you," I told him.

"I am leaving today, well my ship is. I want to make things right before I leave."

"I thought you weren't leaving anymore." I remember he told me something about staying in America for a month or so.

"There's no reason for me to stay any longer," he replied and lowered his gaze.

"Safe travels," I said to him.

"Thank you," he replied. I walked away, my heart feeling heavy. I understood his tone, I too speak pain. Just the way he stood, looking dim and disappointed. I don't know what I should do. My mother always wanted me to get married, but that's not what I want. At least not now. It's best I let my thoughts left unsaid. It will only cause more heartache, than there already is. Would I ever consider to marry Adil? I don't know. I have never really considered anyone so it's just confusing.

I went back to the kitchen and stood by the sink — thinking. Lost in my thoughts and my what ifs. What if I did consider marrying Adil? What would my life be like? But that would mean I wouldn't get to take care of Imad. What if Adil understood the bond Imad and I share, and we lived nearby. I would be part of a family. I would have my own family, like my mother always dreamed for me. I have to be brave and take risks... Is this that type of moment, my mother advised me for. To take a leap of faith.

She did the same with my father, she hoped and trusted in God's plan. The kitchen door swung open, averting my attention to the door and away from my thoughts. "Adil?" He stood and looked at me.

"I want to marry you Layla. I want to get to know you and I don't know why I have this urge to make you happy every time I see you," he spoke, walking towards me. "I know I lied and I am sorry. I really am, I was a coward for doing that. Can you ever reconsider my feelings towards you?"

"Maybe, I really can't tell now. I am not even sure if I want to get married yet. You are a nice guy Adil — sending Mr Ahmed to make sure I am okay..."

"What?" Adil interjected and his facial expression clearly showing confusion. "I didn't tell Ahmed to check up on you, he stormed out of the restaurant. Not giving me any chance to explain myself," he explained. That doesn't make sense. Why would Mr Ahmed do that. For all he cares about mostly is himself.

"That can't be true. Mr Ahmed doesn't care about anyone," I told him.

"Well I guess now he cares about you," he said, and sighed. "Which makes sense since you have been taking care of Imad since he was three. That would also explain why you haven't gotten married..."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"You are attached to your job, eventually one of you is going to fall for the other. It's a cliche and predictable if you ask me, but the signs are there. It's bound to happen someday," he explained.

"It's never going to happen. Please stop making up things because I didn't agree on your proposal."

"I am not making anything up. I have said what I wanted to say, as you have obviously thought out your answer. I should leave," he said and turned to open the door. He got out, leaving my thoughts more conflicted than ever.

Thanks for reading.❤️

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