Kingdom Of The Nanosaurs - chapter 15

Start from the beginning

“It’s just unbelievable,” said Lin. “Everything has happened so fast.” She looked at Morgan. “So, what are we actually going to do?”

Morgan sat down on a sofa. “Here the way it is as far as I can make out. These shadows are part of some alien force called Shadix. Natzler has somehow been taken over by these creatures and created these nanosaurs by using Dad’s work on the microbe and some kind of black magic Shadix power. Animus caused Winston to transform because humans need to hear the truth from an animal. They’re calling him the missing link. And some other force called the Guardians has taken the animals away to protect them. So what happens next is down to me. I know that I have to meet this person, this angel who I dreamed about.”

“Okay, so where do the rest of us come in, oh, Chosen One?”

“Natzler knows about the stuff in my memory. This algorithm might be the way that we can get the world back to normal but I don’t know how. Natzler tried to milk Winston’s brain to give the nanosaurs intelligence. And he wants Dad’s microbe. If he had all that he would rule the world. No one could stop him.”

“And if the Shadix control Natzler,” whispered Lin in awe. Morgan said nothing. He didn’t want to think about the consequences.

“I’ve got to stop Natzler somehow,” he said at last. “Whatever this quest is, it must be my destiny. And you and Winston are part of it.”

“So the I-Ching has been right all along. Admit it, there’s more to this than science can explain. This is mystical and magical with a bit of science sprinkled in.”

“Okay,” Morgan agreed. “I admit, I can’t explain all of it. But there will be a logical answer somewhere.” He stood up and before Lin could reply and said. “Let’s go.”

“I’m glad it’s not all down to you,” said Lin.

Morgan turned and stared out of the window and spoke in a whisper. “So am I. I do you need you.”

Lin heard but said nothing. She just smiled with satisfaction. Then they pulled on their anoraks and had a last look around the apartment.

“What about money?” said Lin, ever the pragmatist. Morgan hadn’t even given money a thought. He shrugged. “Only,” said Lin, “I have found some here.” She held up a bundle of notes.

“That’s stealing,” said Morgan, “and we’re not thieves, are we?”

“No, I agree and normally I wouldn’t dream of it but, these are desperate times. We may need money. We could always leave a note saying we’ll pay it back.” Morgan pondered this. He hated the idea of taking someone else’s hard earned cash but Lin had a point. Maybe they had no choice. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll leave a note and give mom’s number.” Hurriedly, he found a pencil and paper and scribbled a few lines then propped up the note in the centre of the dining room table. “Right, let’s go and wake Winston.”

Outside, the air was crisp and clear and a light breeze swept in from the sea. Morgan and Lin went to the barn and opened the door. Taurus did not appear to have moved a muscle. A bundle of orange fur could just be seen high up near the rafters buried in amongst the bales stacked at the back of the barn. Spluttering and spitting hay from his mouth, Winston’s quizzical face emerged then relaxed when he saw who was there.

“Wakey, wakey, Winnie, we’ve got a few hundred miles to travel,” called Morgan and immediately regretted it as his bruised jaw tightened in pain. Winston stood and leapt into the air catching a cross beam above his head then swung effortlessly across the ceiling, somersaulting onto the wooden frame of the barn then tumbling to the ground by Lin’s feet.

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