Blind and broken

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"The Boy" POV

I shiver thoughout my body as i start to wake up. I gasp as i relized how much pain im in,to  much pain to move ,think,or even open my eyes. The cold was getting to much  for me as it bit into my body,i sigh relizing  i have to get up. it takes everything in me  to  open my eyes see nothing except darkness. i bring my hands up to my eyes thinking maybe i didnt open them or i have something covering my eyes. i start to panic,relizing that my eyes sre open and i just couldnt see.i jump to my feet which i shouldn't have cuz a sharp pain went through my body but mostly to my right side.i take one of the hands from my eyes to my waist and feel something warm gushing out."crap"i mumbled.

'okay calm down.just breath.yeah you cant see right now and have now idea where you are but at least i know who did this.wait no i don't!wait i don't know anything not even my name.okay calm down, first things first find someone or a hospital.'i think to myself as I hold my right side tightly with one hand and with the other stretched out in front of me so I don't hit anything as i start to walk.which hurt like a son of a gun.

as im slowing making my way forward  a thought accord to me what if whoever did this is still around.i start to quicken my speed,only to run into something hard round and rough.It smelled like sap.'i think it's a tree so am i in a park or in front of someone's lawn or a forest?' i thought about screaming for help for a second but decided against it. Cuz the bad guy might still be around.

i sighed and kept walking in the same direction going arund that stupid tree." This isnt to bad i tell my self well that is until i fell down some kind of hill or cliff more like it.on the way down the never ending hill i kept screaming in pain as i kept hitting rocks and trees.i kept trying to stop myself but it was pretty much impossiable. when i finally rolled to a stop  i didnt want to move it hurt soooo bad .i wanted to  crying but couldn't either because i had nothing to cry or was just to tried to. it felt like a  couple hours went by and i was in and out of consciousness

I heard a trig snap.i freeze and slowly get to my feet ready to run at any moment."w-who's there"i ask in a shaky hoarse voice.i didn't get a replay.i tried to listen but didn't hear anything."h-h-hello"i ask in the same voice.'what should i do.what if the bad guy is in front of me right now.should i run?but if it isn't and i run i'll be screwed.also there's no way of telling if it is or not. wait im pretty sure im in a forest what if its a bear or wolf?.'at that thought  i started running away with my hands out in front of me.

i heard growling and then someone running after me or something.i start to run faster even though it hurt like hell and i could feel my side bleeding like a guzer .i can hear it right behind me .I  was starting to get light headed and dizzy and i think my feet had frost bit.i trip over something and fell.instantly i rolled into a tight ball."leave me alone,please!"i screamed i kept whimpering through my sobs.

Alex pov

'Damn  he gets on my nerves.well whatever i can take it out on the animal i find on the hunt.'i thought as i ran through my farther's territory.'ha there's one'i thought as i got ready to pounce,but right before i did i smelled the most amazing sent i have ever smelled. all my anger left and i was calm.i started my walk towards the amazing smell.i was so engrossed in the smell i wasn't watching my step and snapped a trig.i kept walking closer but this time watching were i was stepping.

i didn't want to scare off that scent.then it hit me when i saw the most cutest person ever, my mate.i started to take in his smell but stoped almost immediately when i saw his body. i was about to growl when  i heard him whisper "w-who's there" even his voice was anglic  even if it was shaky and hoarse.but i looked at his stark naked body.he's skin was almost as white as the snow and his hair was a dirty blond color.he had a tattoo of a sun on his lower right adman."h-h-hello"he said in the same voice but i was to engrossed with his body to respond.he had a deep gash on his right side.bruises and scrapes all through out his body.his skinny body looked like he hadn't eaten in awhile.i started to get really pissed.but before i knew what was happening he started running.

i growled and chased what was MINE, Until he tripped over a tree root that was sticking out.he quickly tucked him self into a tight ball which made his gash on his right bleed more.he started to cry and kept repeating "leave me alone,please".my heart cracked  seeing  him like this.

"The Boy" POV

A few min. went by and i started to go go unconscious and i just let it swallow me.i awoke  being gently carried by someone,but i finally felt  warm and where my skin was touching whoever was carrying me pleasant electric shocks ran across my skin.i almost went back to sleep but a million bad thoughts started  running  through my what if this is the bad guy or what if this person is bad too.i hit who ever was caring me but they didn't let go. i kept struggling and yelling to be let go.he through me over his shoulder.i kept kicking and hitting his back.but i soon went unconscious again.

Alex pov

i noticed that he was going in and out of consciousness.'he looks frighten to death so i'll wait tell he goes unconscious and take him to the cave.' i thought as i shifted to my second stage of wolf.i picked him up as gently as i could and took off running full speed towards our cave.

about half way there he woke up and started to freak out punching me and yelling "let me gooo". i throw him over my shoulder but he kept fighting and yelling as i kept running towards the cave. as we got about 3 min away he passed out again.i carried him gently again.

as i approached the caves entrance i saw my father standing their with his arms crossed with a pissed off look on his face."where have you been?instead of staying with the hunting pack you take off on your own. do you know how dangerous that is,and for what this -" before he could continue i said in my most stern and serious voice"he is my mate and you will not speak badly of him. will talk about this later he is hurt as you can see."

everyone's mouth almost or did drop open but i didn't care i need him to get checked up on before he awakes again and throws a fit.i walked through the open cave and went straight towards the medical ward that was in side the cave.,

"jade,Tristan i need your guys help!"i yelled and a few min later the two mates walked in.jade was very tiny with short brown hair,green eyes and freckles.her wolf was a very light brown with white on her feet,chest,tail,and snout. Tristan is tall dark skin with brown eyes and wolf form he is dark brown with a black line through his back.they're my childhood Friends.

"whats the-"she stopped as she saw my mate on the table.she ran over to him with Tristan.i told them the story and they asked me to leave.i didn't want to leave him but i knew he would be safe with i have to go deal with my farther who by the way is the alpha.i sighed and walked towards his room.

(info on the werewolves:D)

okay their are three different shifts for the wolfs

1)their human look

2)they stand like a human but are like a wolf hair snout and everything

3)a wolf on all four

they half a doctors place cuz you don't get any healing abilities until your 16 and can hunt.also if your mated you can heal your mate but you have to have sex cant heal anyone that's not your mate except for the very strong donaments.

well i think that's all for now comment and vote please and thanks

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