Kingdom Of The Nanosaurs - chapter 9

Start from the beginning

Lin ran into the living room excitedly. “The I-Ching says you need to store everything in a place where animals live, or used to, like a farm. It would be empty now. Anyone know a farm near here?”

Morgan said. “What about Uncle George?”

“I’ll call him,” said his father. “He’s got some nice clean barns and he’s only half-an-hour away. Why didn’t I think of that? Well done, you two.”

Lin said. “I’ll stay here with Winston. We might have to hide him.” She looked out of the front window. “There’s a small crowd outside. Looks like press.”

“And nosy neighbours,” said Morgan.

Amid the clamour of shouted questions the Mercedes and the Volvo were packed with laboratory equipment. Then Morgan walked along the drive and opened the front gates to a barrage of flashes.

“Where’s the monkey, son?”

“Where are you hiding him?”

“Come on, the public needs to know,”

“Oh, you mean the primate,” said Morgan smiling innocently.

“Yes, yes, call it what you like, son. It’s a talking monkey, isn’t it?”

“All the animals have vanished, didn’t you know,” said Morgan. “The only ape that’s ever been here went back to the primate sanctuary at the university. My mother ran the primate research programme. There is no monkey here now but I was trying on a monkey outfit for a fancy dress fundraiser for the poor of Cambridge. Then some bloke took my photograph. Nothing wrong with that, is there?”

The assembled journalists were in two minds as the Mercedes and the Volvo pushed their way through.

“If you’re telling us fibs, young man, we’ll hang you out to dry,” mumbled a frazzled looking woman with cigarette breath. “Where are those cars going?|” she demanded.

“We’re moving our research to the university,” said Morgan sweetly. “I think there might be some monkeys there but I can’t be certain.”

Morgan turned away but the press hung on. Then one journalist piped up. “Well, it’s worth a try. If you ask me this is a wild goose chase.”

“More like a tame monkey chase,” another lobbed in a quip.

“There’s a press conference later. Maybe we’ll get something there. Doctor Lane is making an appearance,” said another.

Morgan closed and locked the gates and by the time he reached the front door the press had gone.

Over an hour later, when they had returned from the farm, Morgan’s parents were in a rush.

“We’ll take the Merc,” his father. “We’re late for the BBC already.”

“They’ll make time for you,” said Morgan.

“We’ll be watching,” promised Lin.

“Good luck,” said Winston.

His father tossed the keys of the Volvo to Morgan. “Put the car in the garage, will you, son?”

“Sure, Dad,” said Morgan. “The press will come back, you know.”

His father just smiled and winked. “We’ll deal with that when it comes to it. Winston, stay out of sight at all times. If you need to hide, try the cellar.”

Morgan slipped the car keys into his pocket as his parents hurried out of the house.


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