chapter : 16

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Aleeta pov

Now Eric was dead ass wrong that he has the privilege on hooking up with me and telling me how he would do this and that for me while he got that little miss sunshine bitch and by looks of it she's been giving me them signals now I hate when a hoe like at my face like that or even look at me it gives you

That feeling that of what they think of you but I'm not neither one if them if that's what she's claiming but I just couldn't help it Eric lead me on but in my heart it felt like he backstab me but i cause my own fault to always pick the wannabe playas and babe daddy's chile pleased but I know he might have the last laugh but on the other hand I will have one myself than he comes by me but i didn't even give my divided attention I just kept it professional by not speaking to him for nigga and good riddance

Eric : hey ma how ya been

I turn away from him not giving a shit bout what he got to say or do cause I'm just a side peace y'all know how it is its always the girls that don't know how humble themselves from guys but this nigga below the pole from a scale 1-10

Eric : * sights look stop walking away from me man I'm tryna tell yo ass that im sorry but you being so Damn stubborn and shit

Al'verona : oh I'm being stubborn Eric really that's because you ain't shit so that's why I'm leaving now move outta my way so I can get back to what I was doing

Eric : * smirked you know what I ain't even worry bout it right now you that's why I got my girl Havana so you can go on ahead with that fuckin' attitude you just mad that a nigga like me don't want yo ass no more

Al'verona : ok first of all don't talk to me like I'm a fucking little girl and do not blame me like I'm just a fool when you sit yo ass here lied to me you the one who's a whining ass aight not me

Eric : ok look I said what I had to say I'm done with it fuck this and fuck you man

Al'verona : nah no fuck you as of right now I am Done with it and fuck you too how bout that

He piss me off coming at me with all that bullshit when I didn't know that he was gonna treating me like this why can't he admit that he never been 💯 with me like I did with him so I decide that imma just do me and not be concern on what he has to say or do to me

It got night time and I change my clothes I'm going out tonight not caring if what little tiny ass have to say cause he don't run my life ok I control and do whatever the hell I want so I find me something clean and bad as hell to wear my little black see thru shirt and cut up pants along with my yellow heels and yellow purse

It got night time and I change my clothes I'm going out tonight not caring if what little tiny ass have to say cause he don't run my life ok I control and do whatever the hell I want so I find me something clean and bad as hell to wear my little b...

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Aleeta outfit

I got myself ready to go until I see Eric looking at me but I bet that he's wondering how good that I look right now that he wish that he still had this but nooope sorry boo ya snooze ya lose karma is a bitch a fake one too

Eric : where the hell you going dress like that you going with some nigga or some you think that doing something to me

Al'verona : * smirked really man you gone do this when we done you and me that shouldn't even be yo business on what the fuck im doing how bout you just worry bout Havana and whatever that bitch name is

Eric : aye man chill out on talkin' bout my girl like you any better yo self to tryna talk

Al'verona : all imma say is that no girl can ever do for you what I did and that's on some high level shit bye and have a wonderful life

I went the club that I always go too but I needs this night out to just drink all my problems away and wah away by Paine but it seen to be doing so kept drinking until I got drunk so I took me some shots and I got very dizzy but I drove home in my car I went to ny room called it a night

And pretty sure that I won't even remember this by tomorrow morning that imma get a hangover but I just need to get outta the house cause I haven't been out in a while so that made me feel better just as long as a bitch got her drink on and I was having a good time and I'm back single

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