chapter : 13

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                         7month's later

Eric pov

So Tracy and Kim gave birth to my kids Tracy gave me a little girl her name is Miranna and Kim had a little boy his name is Zavous but they both look just like me but they got they mommas features a little bit and me and the girls still fuck by having threesomes but Aleeta doesn't like me doing that she gets jealous by it I don't give a damn bout what she don't like cause she still taking those drug's but I dont give it to her the time cause she looks bad not that bad just a little bit i fuck Jazmine last weekend now the hoe claim that i got her pregnant but she wasn't pregnant but I kick her ass outta here now it's just Kim Tracy Kim Aleeta and Havana but I still beat on Aleeta when she posses me off

Aleeta : * smile hey daddy what you doing now

Eric : * sights nothing right now how bout you did you cover up yo face so nobody sees it

Aleeta : yeah I-I did just like you told me but i came to ask you something but don't get mad with me

Eric : that's if yo ass ain't did nothing to make me mad but what is it

Than I see that she looks afraid to even look at me which was becoming weird to me than she comes closer to me

Al'verona : do you remembered that we had a threesome with the other girls right bout month's ago

Eric : yeah so what that gotta do with anything what are you tryna tell me exactly Aleeta

Aleeta : I'm saying to you Eazy that i think that I'm pregnant too but if I am I wanna stop doing this by me doing this what I mean is stop being addicted to drugs I wanna be a different person

It took me by suprise now that i got Tracy and Kim pregnant now the bitch Aleeta pregnant by me too next time imma start wearing rubbers but not all the time but I was mad with anger that i just wanna beat her ass up again until she loses the baby but now I can't do that but she wants to stop being a drug addict I'll accept that

Eric : aight you know I'll go with that cause I was gonna stop giving you that shit anyway cause of the way yo body look so imma help you out with the pregnancy so I'll take you to the doctors tomorrow but I want you look nice by wearing make up  but ok now get the fuck outta here

Aleeta : * smile ok daddy bye

She left but in the inside I was mad but now that i gotta deal with all these babies but I was kinda sad bout her body looks I never thought that she would be looking like this with drugs but maybe I should let her go I can't keep dealing with this shit plus she's now fifteen now but still a little young but she loves making money but she can't have anymore drug's plus she's pretty to be looking like this im still gone wife her any of these hoes that's something that ain't me

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