I missed this.

I missed him.

We gently pull off as I feel the heat approaching my face when I see his gorgeous smile as he says, "Feel better?" I nod, smiling back.

"Was that just to remind me that I'm yours, or to make me feel better?" I ask, smiling wide.

Austin grins boyishly, "Both." He then buries his face into my neck, tightening his grip on my waist. I laugh and wrap my arms around him, melting away into his embrace.

"Mine," Austin mutters in my neck, pulling me closer.

I chuckle, "Forever yours,"

"You smell like me, now. I like it." Austin nuzzles his nose into my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. His hand caresses my arm gently, but I wince in pain, causing him to pull away as he mutters, "Sorry."

He glances at my arm, his eyes widening with horror, also filled with anger and guilt. His fingers gently trail along the marks caused by Chris. He shuts his eyes as if the thought of Chris laying a finger on me was unbearable for him.

I lift up my tank top to let him see the other marks caused by Chris. Austin's looks at my stomach shockingly. His hands travel down and he trails his fingers on the marks gently, just like he did with my arm, this time a few tears escaping his eyes.

My heart aches for him because I know the pain he's feeling. He's hurt because I'm hurt. He's hurt because he couldn't take my sorrow away from me.

I take his face in my small hands, planting a quick, soft chaste kiss on his lips before wiping away his tears. "Don't cry. Please."

"I'm so, so sorry, Jasmine." He sniffs. "This is all my fault." He exclaims as he buries his face back into my neck and cries silently. I attempt to hold back my tears but fail to do so as I comfort Austin, my hands soothing his back, also crying silently.

I pull off and hold his face in my hands, wiping away his tears. I rest my forehead against his forehead and we remain silent for a few seconds.

I hated seeing him sad, broken, devastated, and helpless, most importantly when I'm the reason why he is this way. If I was strong enough, then I wouldn't have let Chris touch me, let alone sleep with me. If I had the guts to put Chris in his place, then I wouldn't have been in his custody for four months.

If only I had done the right thing, I wouldn't feel so cruel, helpless, guilty, and broken right now seeing Austin cry because of me.

"Today, he forced me without protection. He said that I was his. He..." I sobbed, not able to speak forward. Austin wipes away my tears before pulling me into a tight hug.

"He convinced me that you were dead, Austin. I can't even describe how broken hearted I was. I cried and cried, not able to think if anything else but you. I kept myself surviving because I knew you were out there looking for me, but when I thought I lost you, I lost all my hopes. That is until you called. Four months, Austin. Four months without hearing your voice nearly killed me." I state honestly.

"I can't believe Violet was behind this as well. I spent every moment of these four months either thinking about your gorgeous face or finding a way to locate you and save you. I never stopped loving you, princess. And trust me when I say this, I'll kill that son of a b**** very painfully, and I'll make him regret every second spent with you. I'll make him realize what happens when you snatch my girl away from me. You're not alone anymore, love. I'm here now. Forever." Austin exclaims, his voice laid out with confidence and emotion.

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