A New Friend?

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"Are you alright?" The man asked holding out a hand to her. At first Rosemary didn't recognise him but it soon came clear. She saw his brother peaking round the corner of the door at them as she took the hand and stood up. She put her head down and her hands in her pockets as she went red in the cheeks. As she rose her head she realised that he was embarrassed as well.
"I'm fine. Just going through a bit of a rough time." She finally answered. "My boyfriend broke with me about a week ago and I've been stressed with tapings and stuff." The other nodded in sympathy as they sat down and conversed over recent events. Rosemary had been forgiven after what she did to his family, not so much by his sister-in-law and brother but he had. They talked for what seemed hours until he had to go. They swapped numbers and he left.

2 weeks later

Rosemary was at in her apartment (recently bought) going over some tactics to use in an upcoming match. Even though she wasn't expecting any visitors, there sounded a knock at the door. As she opened it the familiar face of the man she'd been talking to was stood there. Her face turned perplexed and head tilted. He kissed her suddenly with a force then broke it.
"One question." He said. "Will you go out with me?" At first Rosemary was shocked then after a thought or two she replied with another forceful kiss and whispered,
"What do you think the answer is Nero?"

So this is the end of chapter 9 (I think). I'm not sure how long this series is going to go on for but if there are any ships or ideas you have don't be afraid to ask me about them.


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